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Static Mount Points for USB Profiles (Windows)

Jeffrey Carl Faden edited this page Nov 1, 2022 · 7 revisions

Windows does not natively support mounting drives by port. However, the paid software USBDLM can add support. Coincidentally this will also work for any other arcade games that still use USB drives for saving.

Step 1. Download USBDLM

Download. Then extract. Then place somewhere where it won't be moved so you can register the service later on. (Don't put it in Program Files, it causes problems)

The software is free for 30 days, after which you must purchase a license.

Step 2. Find your mount points

Insert a USB stick in the port, open up UsbDriveInfo, then find your drive and scroll all the way to the bottom where it says "USBDLM Criteria". Note down either PortName (both will work).

Repeat this step again for player two's USB port.

Step 3. Configure USBDLM

Start and stop the USBDLM service to generate the config file. Then paste this into the ini and configure accordingly using the PortName you noted down earlier and any drive letters of your choosing.


DriveType ensures only removable drives are mounted.

There are also many other useful settings, so you may want to read the help file.

Step 4. Register the service

Double click _service_register.cmd

Step 5. Update Preferences.ini

Refer to the Preferences.ini page for this, but MAKE SURE the backslash to your drive letter has been replaced with a forward slash.

# for example

Or if you're on the latest and greatest 5.1-new, put the letter, the colon, and no slash.

# for example

You should also ensure that these Preferences are set:


You may also want to modify MemoryCardProfileSubdir and MemoryCardProfileImportSubdirs to suit your needs.

StepMania uses MemoryCardProfileSubdir first when looking for profiles on USB memory cards. If your Preferences.ini has MemoryCardProfileSubdir=StepMania 5 then StepMania will look for a profile in a StepMania 5 directory in the root of that USB disk.

You can also use MemoryCardProfileImportSubdirs to provide a semicolon delimited list of extra places to check. So a configuration like this

MemoryCardProfileImportSubdirs=asdf;StepMania 5.1
MemoryCardProfileSubdir=StepMania 5

would look for profiles in StepMania 5 first, then asdf, then StepMania 5.1. This can be helpful for public machines that need to cater to various player needs.

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