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Manually Changing Preferences

quietly-turning edited this page Sep 12, 2020 · 7 revisions

Most preferences can (and should) be set with StepMania's UI, but there are times when you may want to manually edit Preferences.ini where your settings are stored.

Before attempting to edit your Preferences.ini file, it is important to understand

  • StepMania expects specific values for each preference
  • many of these are not documented anywhere yet (we're working on it!)
  • providing an invalid value may cause StepMania to not work as expected (or at all)

With that established, if you wish to proceed, you'll need to quit StepMania first if it is actively running. This will ensure that any changes you make manually will stick when you start StepMania next time.

Finding Preferences.ini

The location of your Preferences.ini file depends on your operating system and your version of SM5.

If you're using SM5.0.12:

Windows 10, 8, 7 C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\StepMania 5\Save\Preferences.ini
macOS /Users/USERNAME/Library/Preferences/StepMania 5/Preferences.ini
Linux /home/USERNAME/.stepmania-5.0/Save/Preferences.ini

If you're using SM5.1-beta:

Windows 10, 8, 7 C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\StepMania 5.1\Save\Preferences.ini
macOS /Users/USERNAME/Library/Preferences/StepMania 5.1/Preferences.ini
Linux /home/USERNAME/.stepmania-5.1/Save/Preferences.ini

In each of these paths, USERNAME will be your OS username.

🔷 Tip: If you find yourself manually changing Preferences frequently, you may wish to create a shortcut there. The user content folder can be cumbersome to navigate to.


Apple hides the Library folder by default but there are a few ways to get there.

Finder's Go menu has a Go To Folder... item which brings up a dialog box. Copy and paste the path provided above and click Go.

Go To Folder... + Preferences.ini path

Alternatively, it is possible to un-hide the Library folder from Finder, allowing you to navigate to it like any other folder.

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