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Rhythm Lunatic edited this page Jan 14, 2020 · 35 revisions

Below is a list of MessageCommands you can use inside Actors.

Non MessageCommands are located at

Note: This list is incomplete. All commands are suffixed with MessageCommand when used in an actor, this is omitted for readability.

Universal MessageCommands

Many more global commands can be found by looking at MessageManager.cpp in the source.


Executed when any button is pressed. You must have CodeNames set in the respective screen in metrics.ini for this to function correctly.

Parameters Description Return Type
Name the name of the code you specified. So if you have Codeleft="Left" in metrics.ini and you press left, params.Name would be "left" String (CodeName)
PlayerNumber PLAYER_1 or PLAYER_2 String (PlayerNumber)


Broadcast when the screen changes, of course. Useful if you use SCREENMAN:AddNewScreenToTop()









Since changing the game restarts the theme, this messagecommand is useless.

Memory Card Related


Executed when the state of a memory card changes. (Refer to the MemoryCardState Enum for more info)

CardRemovedP1 & CardRemovedP2


(This is mostly global, but it's only really usable during gameplay or if you've configured your theme's audio to align to the beat)


Parameters Description Return Type
Beat The current beat. float? Maybe int?

Screen Specific


Note: You can probably find more in ScreenSelectMusic.cpp by checking what is broadcasted to MESSAGEMAN.


This command also works in Course mode.

Broadcast when a MusicWheelItem is being set with new information, such as when scrolling up and down. Can access parameters using SetMessageCommand=function(self, params)

Parameters Description Variable Type
Song An instance of the Song that was just set to the MusicWheelItem. Song
Course If in course mode, an instance of the Course that was just set to the MusicWheelItem. Course
Index The index of the MusicWheelItem that was just set. int
HasFocus If the MusicWheelItem is focused or not. boolean
Text The name of the song group this MusicWheelItem is from? String
DrawIndex ??? int
Type The type of the item, as a string WheelItemDataType enum?
Color The color of this item. Colors are set by preferred sort or metrics. ???
Label The text of this item, using the string translations (ex. en.ini) String


Replace 'X' with either 1 or 2 (for the player number). Triggered when the currently selected steps change, whether it be by changing the difficulty or selecting another song.


Self explanatory.

PreviousSong or NextSong

Triggered when the player selects a different song in the songwheel by tapping left or right.


Also probably works in ScreenSelectCourse. Triggered when steps are changed. Need to check player & direction using ChangeStepsMessageCommand=function(self, params) then params.Player and params.Direction.

params.Player is always PLAYER_1 or PLAYER_2 and params.Direction is always 1 or -1.



Broadcast when the sort order is changed for any reason.


(Part of ScreenSelectMusic, but only available if you've turned on TwoPartSelect)


Two part confirm was cancelled. The confirm only shows in multiplayer.


Two Part Select was exited.


Two part select was opened.



Self explanatory.



Replace 'X' with either 1 or 2 (for the player number). Triggered when the Trail is changed. Might work in other screens?


OptionsListOpened / OptionsListClosed

Triggered when a player opens/closes the OptionsList.

Parameters Description
Player Either PLAYER_1 or PLAYER_2


Triggered when a player is in an OptionsList menu, highlights a submenu, then holds start and presses left or right to quickly switch the option.

Parameters Description
Player Either PLAYER_1 or PLAYER_2
Direction Either 1 or -1.
Selection The index of the currently selected item?

OptionsListLeft / OptionsListRight

Triggered when a player presses left/right.

Parameters Description
Player Either PLAYER_1 or PLAYER_2
Selection The index of the currently selected item, starting at 0


The same as OptionsListLeft/Right except the Selection is NOT broadcast. The selection will always be one more then the number of rows. To get the number of rows you can add an OptionsMenuChanged listener like in this example. numRows would be a variable kept outside this function and then accessed inside the OptionsListStartMessageCommand funciton. This will not work for any lua OptionsList functions, since those don't use metrics and thus do not have an OptionsListMaster entry.

	if params.Player == pn then
		numRows = tonumber(THEME:GetMetric("ScreenOptionsMaster",params.Menu))
Parameters Description
Player Either PLAYER_1 or PLAYER_2


Triggered when the player enters or exits a menu in the OptionsList.

Parameters Description
Player Either PLAYER_1 or PLAYER_2
Menu The name of the the new menu in the OptionsList, as defined in metrics under ScreenOptionsMaster.


Unknown, possibly when the player exits from an OptionsList submenu.

Parameters Description
Player Either PLAYER_1 or PLAYER_2


Same as above except when entering a submenu.


Triggered when they press the reset button in the OptionsList, resetting their modifiers to ModsLevel_Preferred.

Parameters Description
Player Either PLAYER_1 or PLAYER_2


(All children of ScreenOptions class will broadcast these too, ex. ScreenPlayerOptions)

ChangeValue (Unused)

Triggered... Never. This is inside the function ScreenOptions::ChangeValueInRowAbsolute(), but it's never called.

Parameters Description
PlayerNumber PLAYER_1 or PLAYER_2
RowIndex The current index of the selected item


Triggered when row is changed.

Parameters Description Return Type
PlayerNumber PLAYER_1 or PLAYER_2 String (PlayerNumber)
RowIndex The current index of the newly selected row int
ChangedToExit If the new row is an exit row boolean


Triggered when a selection on a SelectMultiple row is changed.

Parameters Description Return Type
PlayerNumber PLAYER_1 or PLAYER_2 String (PlayerNumber)
RowIndex The current index of the hovered item?? int
ChoiceInRow ???? int
Selected If the current selection was just selected or deselected. boolean



Activated whenever a player's life changes.

Parameters Description
Player Either PLAYER_1 or PLAYER_2
LifeMeter Amount of life in a decimal from 0 to 1

If the lifebar is type is battery it will also have LivesLeft and LostLife.


Activated whenever a player's health state changes...

Parameters Description
PlayerNumber Either PLAYER_1 or PLAYER_2
HealthState A HealthState Enum, which is either HealthState_Hot, HealthState_Alive, HealthState_Danger, or HealthState_Dead.
OldHealthState self explanatory.


This one's obvious.

Parameters Description
PlayerNumber Either PLAYER_1 or PLAYER_2


Activated whenever a player's score changes. Params include PlayerNumber and MultiPlayer, but can also include ToastyCombo in certain cases.

Parameters Description
PlayerNumber Either PLAYER_1 or PLAYER_2
MultiPlayer ???


Triggered when a judgment happens, either because a player stepped on a note or they completely missed it.

Parameters Description
Player Either PLAYER_1 or PLAYER_2
MultiPlayer If they're multiplayer, probably
TapNoteSccre The TapNoteScore
Early True if early, false if late
TapNoteOffset Offset of the judgement
HoldNoteScore The HoldNoteScore


Activated whenever a combo changes.

Parameters Description
Player Either PLAYER_1 or PLAYER_2
OldCombo ???
OldMissCombo ???
PlayerState An instance of PlayerState. This may not always be present.
PlayerStageStats An instance of PlayerStageStats. This may not always be present.


Parameters Description
PlayerNumber Either PLAYER_1 or PLAYER_2
ToastyCombo ???
Level ???


Parameters Description
PlayerNumber Either PLAYER_1 or PLAYER_2


Unknown, might be triggered during course mode



Triggered when the timer reaches 0. (Why this even exists is unknown)

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