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Contributing to Neutron Plugin

Sandro Mathys edited this page Dec 16, 2015 · 6 revisions

Contributor License Agreement

The first thing a developer should do is to create a Launchpad account and sign the OpenStack CLA. Follow the instructions in the [OpenStack's developer's guide] (

Mailing Lists and IRC

Mailing lists and IRC channels are good ways to ask questions about MidoNet and to get to know others in the community.

Reporting or Fixing a Bug

The bugs in the Neutron MidoNet plugin are tracked in the [Bug page of networking-midonet project in Launchpad] (

To file a bug, go to the [Report a Bug] ( page and fill out the information. All you need to do is fill out the title and description.

To fix a bug, feel free to assign yourself to any unassigned bug and follow the instruction below on how to contribute. Include the following information in the commit message:

Closes-Bug: #1234567 -- use 'Closes-Bug' if the commit is intended to fully fix and close the bug being referenced.

Partial-Bug: #1234567 -- use 'Partial-Bug' if the commit is only a partial fix and more work is needed.

Related-Bug: #1234567 -- use 'Related-Bug' if the commit is merely related to the referenced bug.

Proposing a New Feature

Features are tracked as [blueprints] ( in Launchpad. Propose a feature by [registering a blueprint] ( You only need to fill out the Name, Title and Summary. For most significant features, a separate spec file is required. Spec is submitted to the project repository with the layout:


The summary of the blueprint can just be the URL of the spec in review.

The spec should follow the format of [Neutron specs] (

When implementing a blueprint, mention the blueprint in the commit message as follows:

blueprint <blueprint name>

Contributing Code

Follow the instructions in OpenStack's [development workflow] (

Git Repository

The MidoNet Neutron Plugin code can be found here:

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