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Moritz Brückner edited this page Nov 15, 2021 · 21 revisions

Logic Nodes Reference: Values nodes

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This reference was built for Armory 2021.11.

Node Categories


Array Add

Adds the given value to the given array.

Array Add node


  • Array: the array to manipulate.
  • Modify Original: if false, the input array is copied before adding the value.
  • Unique Values: if true, values may occur only once in that array (only primitive data types are supported).

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array Boolean

Stores an array of boolean elements as a variable.

Array Boolean node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array Color

Stores an array of color elements as a variable.

Array Color node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array Contains

Returns whether the given array contains the given value.

Array Contains node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array Dynamic

Stores the given array as a variable.

Array Dynamic node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array Float

Stores an array of float elements as a variable.

Array Float node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array Get

Returns the value of the given array at the given index.

Array Get node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array Integer

Stores an array of integer elements as a variable.

Array Integer node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array Length

Returns the length of the given array.

Array Length node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array Loop

Loops through each item of the given array.

Array Loop node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array Object

Stores an array of object elements as a variable.

Array Object node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array Pop

Removes the last element of the given array.

See also:

Array Pop node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array Remove by Index

Removes the element from the given array by its index.

See also:

Array Remove by Index node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array Remove by Value

Removes the element from the given array by its value.

See also:

Array Remove by Value node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array Set

Sets the value of the given array at the given index.

Array Set node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array Shift

Removes the first element of the given array.

See also:

Array Shift node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array Slice

Creates a shallow copy of the given array in the specified range.

See also:

Array Slice node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array Splice

Removes the given amount of elements from the given array.

See also:

Array Splice node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array String

Stores an array of string elements as a variable.

Array String node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Array Vector

Stores an array of vector elements as a variable.

Array Vector node

Sources: Python | Haxe



Keeps the value inside the given bound.

See also:

Clamp node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Compares values.

Compare node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Deg to Rad

Converts degrees to radians.

Deg to Rad node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Map Range

Converts the given value from a range to another range.

See also:

Map Range node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Mathematical operations on values.

Math node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Math Expression

Mathematical operations on values.

Math Expression node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Matrix Math

Multiplies matrices.

Matrix Math node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Interpolates between the two given values.

Mix node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Mix Vector

Interpolates between the two given vectors.

Mix Vector node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Quaternion Math

Mathematical operations on quaternions.

Quaternion Math node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Rad to Deg

Converts radians to degrees.

Rad to Deg node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Rotation Math

Mathematical operations on rotations.

Rotation Math node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Screen to World Space

Transforms the given screen coordinates into world coordinates.

Screen to World Space node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Separate Quaternion (do not use: quaternions sockets have been

DEPRECATED. This node is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Armory. Do not use quaternion sockets.

Splits the given quaternion into X, Y, Z and W.

Separate Quaternion (do not use: quaternions sockets have been  node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Separate RGB

Splits the given color into RGB (red, green and blue).

Separate RGB node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Separate XYZ

Splits the given vector into X, Y and Z.

Separate XYZ node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Tween Float

Tween a float value

Tween Float node


  • Start: Start tweening
  • Stop: Stop a tweening. tweening can be re-started via the Startinput
  • From: Tween start value
  • To: Tween final value
  • Duration: Duartion of the tween in seconds


  • Out: Executed immidiately after Start or Stop is called
  • Tick: Executed at every time step in the tween duration
  • Done: Executed when tween is successfully completed. Not executed if tweening is stopped mid-way
  • Value: Current tween value

Sources: Python | Haxe

Tween Rotation

Tween rotation

Tween Rotation node


  • Start: Start tweening
  • Stop: Stop a tweening. tweening can be re-started via the Startinput
  • From: Tween start value
  • To: Tween final value
  • Duration: Duartion of the tween in seconds


  • Out: Executed immidiately after Start or Stop is called
  • Tick: Executed at every time step in the tween duration
  • Done: Executed when tween is successfully completed. Not executed if tweening is stopped mid-way
  • Value: Current tween value

Sources: Python | Haxe

Tween Vector

Tween a vector value

Tween Vector node


  • Start: Start tweening
  • Stop: Stop a tweening. tweening can be re-started via the Startinput
  • From: Tween start value
  • To: Tween final value
  • Duration: Duartion of the tween in seconds


  • Out: Executed immidiately after Start or Stop is called
  • Tick: Executed at every time step in the tween duration
  • Done: Executed when tween is successfully completed. Not executed if tweening is stopped mid-way
  • Value: Current tween value

Sources: Python | Haxe

Vector Clamp

Keeps the vector value inside the given range.

Vector Clamp node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Vector Math

Mathematical operations on vectors.

Vector Math node

Sources: Python | Haxe

World to Screen Space

Transforms the given world coordinates into screen coordinates.

World to Screen Space node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Random Boolean

Generates a random boolean.

Random Boolean node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Random Choice

Choose a random value from a given array.

Random Choice node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Random Color

Generates a random color.

Random Color node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Random Float

Generates a random float.

Random Float node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Random Integer

Generates a random integer.

Random Integer node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Random Output

Activate a random output when the input is activated.

Random Output node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Random Vector

Generates a random vector.

Random Vector node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Concatenate String

Concatenates the given string.

Concatenate String node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Parse Float

Returns the floats that are in the given string.

Parse Float node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Split String

Splits the given string.

Split String node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Stores the given string as a variable.

String node

Sources: Python | Haxe

String Case

Changes the given string case.

String Case node

Sources: Python | Haxe

String Contains

Returns whether the given string contains a given part.

String Contains node

Sources: Python | Haxe

String Length

Returns the length of the given string.

String Length node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Sub String

Returns a part of the given string.

Sub String node

Sources: Python | Haxe



Stores the given boolean as a variable. A boolean value has just two states: true and false.

Boolean node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Stores the given color as a variable.

Color node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Stores the given dynamic value (a value with an arbitrary type) as a variable.

Dynamic node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Stores the given float as a variable. If the set float value has more than 3 decimal places, the displayed value in the node will be rounded, but when you click on it you can still edit the exact value which will be used in the game as well.

Float node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Stores the given integer (a whole number) as a variable.

Integer node

Sources: Python | Haxe



Mask node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Quaternion (Deprecated)

DEPRECATED. This node is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Armory. Do not use quaternion sockets.


Quaternion (Deprecated) node

Sources: Python | Haxe


A rotation, created from one of its possible mathematical representations

Rotation node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Variable

Sets the value of the given variable.

Set Variable node


  • Variable: this socket must be connected to a variable node (recognized by the little dot inside the socket). The value that is stored inside the connected node is changed upon activation.
  • Value: the value that should be written into the variable.

Sources: Python | Haxe


Stores the location, rotation and scale values as a transform.

Transform node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Stores the given 3D vector as a variable.

Vector node

Sources: Python | Haxe

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