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Supported assistive PCs

kmcnaught edited this page Jan 25, 2021 · 5 revisions

If you have an all-in-one PC or communication device that is running Windows, then in theory it should be compatible with EyeMine so long as the computer specification is high enough, as detailed at System requirements. Some older assistive PCs may unfortunately be too low in spec for Minecraft.

Since it is not always easy to find out the specification of an older assistive device, we are collating a list of our users' experience with common devices.

If you try EyeMine on an assistive device, please let us know how you get on!

Tobii iSeries Classic (i12/i15, older versions)

Unfortunately the graphics card in the Tobii Class PCs are not modern enough to support Minecraft.

Tobii iSeries+ (i12+/i15+)

We've had success running EyeMine on the Tobii i12+ using Windows Control.

Tobii iSeries (i13/i16, new)

EyeMine runs well on the newest Tobii iSeries

GridPad range

We've run EyeMine on several GridPads using a MyGaze camera and using EyeMousePlay.

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