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Different interaction levels

kmcnaught edited this page Dec 15, 2020 · 12 revisions

When you launch EyeMine you will see several options to suit your eye gaze abilities. If you are not already an expert eyegaze user it is recommended that you start with the simpler keyboards and work your way up to the more advanced keyboards.

Basic interaction

If you can use eye gaze to select a square button reliably that is about 1/4 of the height of your monitor, then you should be able to:

  • explore a Minecraft world, by walking and flying around
  • mine and explore underground
  • attack monsters and animals

Intro keyboard

For this level, you should start by using the Minecraft Intro keyboard from within EyeMine. This has two pages, with 5 keys each.

If you're comfortable using the Minecraft Intro keyboard, but you're not able to use the smaller keys from the Minecraft Intermediate keyboard, then you can find extra functionality in the Minecraft Intro++ keyboard which unlocks riding minecarts and boats, and very basic building without inventory control (you can only use the items in your hotbar). This includes additional pages of extra keys, which may be difficult to navigate if you're not already comfortable playing EyeMine.

Intermediate interaction

If you can use eye gaze to select medium-sized buttons, you unlock more building functionality and inventory control (selecting items to build with) using the Minecraft Intermediate keyboard.

Intermediate keyboard

Advanced interaction

If you can use eye gaze to select much smaller buttons, the Minecraft Advanced keyboard provides more streamlined inventory control, including searching for items and quick selection. If you can directly control the mouse cursor for mouse clicks this gets even faster; but everything can be done just by selecting keys. You can also access a chat keyboard for playing with friends. (see Multiplayer for more information).

Advanced keyboard

Expert interaction

Most of our users play only in Minecraft Creative Mode, where monsters can't kill you and you have access to any building material you want. If you're feeling ambitious, it is also possible to use EyeMine to pit your skills against Minecraft Survival Mode, where you have to mine all your materials, find food and keep yourself safe from monsters. This requires that you can use the smallest buttons shown above, and that you can interact quickly with the game.