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User Stories: Content Presentation

KMcWeeney22 edited this page Jan 18, 2017 · 4 revisions

User Story:

  1. As a user, I want to be able see the most favorited poetry featured on the homepage, so I have quick access to some of the best poetry.

Acceptance Criteria:

• A main portion of the homepage will be dedicated to showing top poetry from the website. Links/buttons will be provided to toggle back and forth from top rated poetry and recently published poetry.

Estimated Size:??

User Story:

  1. As a user, I want to be able to filter the content displayed, so I can view the specific type of content I am looking for.

Acceptance Criteria:

• When viewing content pages, there will be a dropdown bar to give users the option to filter content to be more specific to what they are looking for.

Estimated Size:??

User Story:

  1. As a user, I want to see popular poet’s profiles featured on the homepage, so I have quicker access to their profiles and their work.

Acceptance Criteria:

• Another main portion of the homepage will be dedicated to showing popular poets profiles. The top 5-10 poets will be displayed with links to their profiles and links view more poets that are not featured on the homepage.

Estimated Size:??

User Story:

  1. As a user, I want to be able to publish a poem from the homepage, so I don’t have to navigate through the website and so its easily accessible to users.

Acceptance Criteria:

• A text field will be presented somewhere under the rest of the content but still easily noticeable to the user. There will be a box for the title and poem content but users will have to sign in before they are able to submit the poem.

Estimated Size:??