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Navigation Requirements

hlkessner edited this page Jan 9, 2017 · 4 revisions

Requirement Set Name: Navigation


Consistent navigation should be present throughout the site in order to the user to orient themselves as they move through the site


  • The global navigation bar will be present on the top of each page with no changes upon moving to another page.
  • Menu options will be written in a descriptive manner that is easily understood by all visitors with no unnecessary jargon.
  • Then the user hovers over each menu option, the background color will change in a significant manner in order for the user to track the progress of their cursor.
  • More minimal navigation elements (such as arrows) will be present within the page in order to allow the user to move more fluidly between groups of poems.
  • To save space, the home button, search bar and login form can be hidden behind universal identifiers for those options, with a button labeled “Sign In” standing in for the log in form.
  • Our pages logo will also take the user home when clicked.