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Start a New Speedment Maven Project

julgus edited this page May 11, 2018 · 9 revisions

Supported IDEs

This guide describes how to install Speedment by using our Initializer which makes it super simple to set up a new Speedment project with Maven. Although these instructions might also work on other variants, we have only tested (and we only support) these instructions on the following IDE's:

  • Netbeans 8.2
  • IDEA 2018.1 Community Edition
  • Eclipse Oxygen

Also, note that your project needs to be using Java 8 or above.

Using Speedment with a Maven Project

Head over to our Initializer to generate a customized pom.xml for your project by filling in your project details.

The Initializer is found on

Once you have generated your pom.xml, create a new Maven project in your IDE and paste the code to your project's pom.xml-file.

Two new Maven targets will be available, speedment:generate and speedment:tool. generate is used to generate code from an existing .json project file and tool is used to connect to a database and create a JSON-file from that.

Maven targets

What's next?

Now it's time to connect to your database. We'll show you how that's done in our next guide: Connect to Your Database.