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Emil Forslund edited this page Oct 20, 2016 · 1 revision

Speedment - Common - CodeGen

A model-view based code generator written in Java. It is completely object oriented to encourage reuse and increase testability. If you have a lot of code that depends on the structure of a database, a file system or any other source of information, generate the code instead!


To use CodeGen in your projects, add the following dependency to your pom.xml-file:



System.out.println(new JavaGenerator().on(
                Field.of("BASIC_MESSAGE", String.class)
                .set(Value.ofText("Hello, world!"))
                Method.of("main", VOID)
                    "This is a vary basic example of ",
                    "the capabilities of the Code Generator."
                .add(Field.of("params", String[].class))
        ).call(new AutoJavadoc<>())


 * Write some documentation here.
package org.example;

public class BasicExample {
    public final static String BASIC_MESSAGE = "Hello, world!";
     * This is a vary basic example of 
     * the capabilities of the Code Generator.
    public static void main(String[] params) {


Currently only the java language is supported, but the language-dependent code is contained in a single package so that more languages can be supported in the future. Most of the java package can probably be reused if the language in question is similar in syntax.


This project is available under the Apache 2 license.