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Workweek script crate

jdm edited this page Nov 11, 2014 · 1 revision
  • zwarich: Should we split it up? Could we split it up?
  • jdm: I'm happy to talk about concrete ideas, but I don't think this needs to be a general topic of discussion.
  • kmc: we may literally run out of ram while compiling the script crate.
  • cgaebel: librustc only takes two 2gb.
  • kmc: I suspect the DOM could be bigger than that. What percentage of time/lines is the generated bindings code?
  • mbrubeck: Just counting newlines in .rs files in components/script, there are 95k total, including 62k in generated binding code.
  • dherman: Is compilation speed THE problem, or are there others? I guess modularization isn't a big deal. An inheritance feature being limited to one crate doesn't matter since you can still split across as many files as you want, right? It's just a speed issue, not code organization.
  • zwarich: Feasibility, too. Memory limitations on compiling devices.
  • kmc: There's a knock-on thing where I might have multicore but not enough ram to build several things together.
  • zwarich: If we think we're likely to want to split it, then we need to make cross-crate inheritance a requirement when discussing that feature for Rust 1.0+.
  • jack: Did we decide that only backwards-compatible proposals will be considered?
  • zwarich: Compilation strategy everyone wanted was C++ single-inheritance. It was a messaging thing that since it was intra-crate that would dissaude people from using in interfaces.
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