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Report new contributors project

Josh Matthews edited this page Feb 16, 2017 · 4 revisions

Report new contributors across a whole organization

Background information: For the weekly This Week in Servo blog post, we list the new contributors to the servo/servo repository. We want to be able to track this information across all repositories in the servo organization. The goal of this work is to build a system that uses the Github API to determine this information on a regular basis.

Tracking issue: (please ask questions here)

Initial steps:

  • email the mailing list (be sure to subscribe to it first!) introducing your group and asking any necessary questions
  • create a github organization with several repositories that can be used for manual tests
  • create a tool that initializes a JSON file with the known authors for a local git repository
  • create a tool that clones every git repository in a given github organization (use the github API to retrieve this information)

Subsequent steps:

  • make the initialization tool support stopping at a particular date or commit
  • create a tool that processes all of the closed pull requests for a github organization during a particular time period
    • Via the github API: curl -i "[organization]/issues?filter=all&state=closed&sort=updated&since=2017-02-05T00:00:00Z" -u [user]:[token] (token may require private repo permissions)
    • for each pull request, get the list of commits present
    • for each commit, get the author/committer present
    • if the author is not known, add it to the list of new contributors
    • return the list of new contributors with names and links to github profiles
    • update the JSON file containing known authors
  • create unit tests mocking the github API usage validating the behaviour of the tool
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