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Upgrading the UWP gstreamer binaries

Josh Matthews edited this page Jun 23, 2020 · 1 revision
  1. download the appropriate x64/arm64 tarballs (both -devel and not) from
  2. obtain the installed directories (use The Unarchiver on macOS)
  3. make a new gstreamer-uwp-[version] directory, and make x64 and arm64 directories inside it
  4. move the contents of gstreamer-1.0-uwp-arm64-[version] into gstreamer-uwp-[version]/arm64
  5. move the contents of gstreamer-1.0-uwp-x64-[version] into gstreamer-uwp-[version]/x64
  6. move the contents of the subdirectories of gstreamer-1.0-uwp-arm64-[version]-devel into the corresponding subdirectories of gstreamer-uwp-[version]/arm64
  7. move the contents of the subdirectories of gstreamer-1.0-uwp-x64-[version]-devel into the corresponding subdirectories of gstreamer-uwp-[version]/x64
  8. zip -r gstreamer-uwp-[version].zip gstreamer-uwp-[version]
  9. s3put -b servo-deps --prefix $(pwd) --key_prefix msvc-deps/ --grant public-read gstreamer-uwp-[version].zip (requires the boto pip package)
  10. update this line to reflect the new version
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