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Publishing a new ANGLE NuGet version

Josh Matthews edited this page Aug 4, 2020 · 11 revisions
  1. Clone and checkout the most recent servo-master-YYYY-MM-DD branch
  2. Rebase against a particular revision of, run gclient sync
  3. Based on
  4. gn args out/Release-x64 [1]
  5. gn args out/Release-x86 [2]
  6. gn args out/Release-arm64 [3]
  7. gn args out/Debug-x64 [1] but with is_debug = true
  8. gn args out/Debug-x86 [2] but with is_debug = true
  9. gn args out/Debug-arm64 [2] but with is_debug = true
  10. autoninja -C out/Release-x64
  11. autoninja -C out/Release-x86
  12. autoninja -C out/Release-arm64
  13. autoninja -C out/Debug-x64
  14. autoninja -C out/Debug-x86
  15. autoninja -C out/Debug-arm64
  16. Increment the version number in nuget/angle.nuspec
  17. nuget pack nuget/angle.nuspec -Properties Configuration=Release
  18. nuget pack nuget/angle.nuspec -Properties Configuration=Debug -Suffix debug
  19. Upload the resulting packages to
  20. Push to a new servo-master-YYYY-MM-DD branch


target_os = "winuwp"
is_debug = false
is_clang = false


target_os = "winuwp"
target_cpu = "x86"
is_clang = false
is_debug = false


target_os = "winuwp"
target_cpu = "arm64"
is_clang = false
is_debug = false
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