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Missing Localisation

Michael Starke edited this page Feb 10, 2022 · 6 revisions

Sometimes you might encounter places in the UI that have strange all uppercase titles (e.g. TOOLBAR_ACTION_PASTE). This is due to a missing translation for you language. The maintainer is able to keep the German and English versions updated without any issue but other languages require updates from the community. Those sometimes take very long and thus a language might get left behind for a long time.

If you encounter those issues you you can force MacPass to run in English or German. On macOS 10.15 and later it's possible to set the language just for one application while keeping the system running in another.1 On macOS 10.14 and below you only can set this via a launch argument. This requires starting MacPass from the command line or using other means to supply a launch argument.2

To launch MacPass in English:

/Applications/ -AppleLanguages "(en)"

1: Change Language & Region Apps preferences on Mac
2: Testing Specific Languages and Regions