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Michael Starke edited this page Jan 19, 2021 · 14 revisions
Code Type Decription
1000 KPKErrorAESDecryptionFailed Failed to decrypt the file using AES
1001 KPKErrorAESEncryptionFailed Failed to encrypt the data using AES
1002 KPKErrorAttributeKeyValidationFailed Validation of attribute key failed
1003 KPKErrorDecryptionFailed Failed to decrypt the data stream
1004 KPKErrorEncryptionFailed Failed to encrypt the data
1005 KPKErrorIntegrityCheckFailed The startbytes in the header aren't matching the AES stream-start
1006 KPKErrorKdbCorruptTree Tree sturcture is corrupted
1007 KPKErrorKdbHeaderTruncated The header (and thus the file) was truncated
1008 KPKErrorKdbInvalidFieldSize KDB Invalid field size
1009 KPKErrorKdbInvalidFieldType KDB Invalid field type
1010 KPKErrorKdbxCorruptedContentStream The content data was corrupted (KDBX3.1)
1011 KPKErrorKdbxCorruptedEncryptionStream The encrypted data was corrupted (KDBX4)
1012 KPKErrorKdbxCorruptedInnerHeader the inner header is corrupted
1013 KPKErrorKdbxCorrutpedPublicCustomData The custom data stored in the header is corrupted
1014 KPKErrorKdbxGroupElementMissing no Group element found
1015 KPKErrorKdbxHeaderHashVerificationFailed The header hash does not match the one provieded in the database
1016 KPKErrorKdbxInvalidHeaderFieldSize KDBX Header field size missmatch
1017 KPKErrorKdbxInvalidHeaderFieldType KDBX Header field type unknown
1018 KPKErrorKdbxInvalidInnerHeaderFieldType invalid field type in the inner header
1019 KPKErrorKdbxInvalidKeyDerivationData The key derivation header data is invalid
1020 KPKErrorKdbxKeePassFileElementMissing the Keepass root element is missing
1021 KPKErrorKdbxKeyDataCorrupted The XML-data did not matcht the hash and is considered corrupted
1022 KPKErrorKdbxKeyDataElementMissing The XML-Keyfile has no data element
1023 KPKErrorKdbxKeyDataParsingError The XML-data element couldn't be parsed
1024 KPKErrorKdbxKeyKeyElementMissing The XML-Keyfile has no key element
1025 KPKErrorKdbxKeyUnsupportedVersion The XML-Keyfile is an usupported version
1026 KPKErrorKdbxMalformedXmlStructure KDBX XML file has malformed structure
1027 KPKErrorKdbxMetaElementMissing The root element has no meta entry
1028 KPKErrorKdbxRootElementMissing The root Elemetn is missing;
1029 KPKErrorKeyDerivationFailed The key derivation failed
1030 KPKErrorNoData No data given
1031 KPKErrorNoKeyData The key file does not contain any data
1032 KPKErrorPasswordAndOrKeyfileWrong Password and or keyfile is wrong
1033 KPKErrorUnknownFileFormat The file format is unknown
1034 KPKErrorUnsupportedCipher The header specifies a unsupported and/or wrong chipher methed
1035 KPKErrorUnsupportedCompressionAlgorithm The header specifies an unsupporte and/or wrong compressoing algorithm
1036 KPKErrorUnsupportedDatabaseVersion The database version is to high/low
1037 KPKErrorUnsupportedKeyDerivation The header specifies an unsupported and/or wrong key derivation method
1038 KPKErrorUnsupportedRandomStream The header specifies an unsupporte stream or it's corrupted
1039 KPKErrorWindowTitleFormatValidationFailed The Window title for autotype is not supported
1040 KPKErrorWrongIVVectorSize The header has a wrong size of the IV vector for the specified cipher

"The password and/or the keyfile is wrong (1032)"

Password lock screen where the database is selected as the key file Password lock screen where another database is selected as the key file

This error can be caused when you try to use a keepass database as a keyfile. The keyfile is not the database, it's a file used as a key to unlock a database. This file should not change. If it does, you will be unable to open your database! Click the "X" button to remove the reference to the keyfile, and then click "Unlock".

MacPass will now warn you, if you attempt to use the database file or another database file as the keyfile.