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Upgrading Containers

Miguel Serrano edited this page Sep 18, 2019 · 10 revisions

Upgrading from older versions

⚠️ Warning: Please make sure to back up all Mongo, Redis and on-disk data before upgrading


Data stored in MongoDB will be automatically migrated to the latest schema when upgrading docker releases. This can make downgrades impossible.

It is easy to test the migration first. This can be done by copying the MongoDB database and doing a test run against the copied data:

# open a mongo shell and create a copy of the database
$ docker-compose exec mongo mongo
> db.copyDatabase("sharelatex","sharelatex-copy")

Update docker-compose.yml to point to the new DB and restart Overleaf:


Closing Editor

Todo a more seamless migration of containers you can close the editor before shutting the container down. This can be done via the close editor tab in the Admin -> Manage Site panel. There are 2 buttons

  • Close Editor - Stops anyone trying to load up the editor
  • Disconnect all users - Kicks anyone who is currently connected to the editor forcing a refresh. If the editor is closed the refresh will not take them back into the editor.

Once the editor is closed the only way to open is to restart the docker container.

Upgrade process

To use the new docker container stop and remove the currently running Overleaf container:

$ docker stop sharelatex
$ docker rm sharelatex

Start a new container with the updated version of Sharelatex/Overleaf (to upgrade to version 1.2.0 for example):

$ docker run -d -v ~/sharelatex_data:/var/lib/sharelatex --name=sharelatex sharelatex/sharelatex:1.2.0
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