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Release Notes 0.1.2

James Allen edited this page Feb 11, 2015 · 1 revision

The most significant change in this update is the inclusion of a new real-time service which handles the editor websocket connections. These were previously handled by the web service. If you are upgrading from a previous version of ShareLaTeX, there are some things you may need to update to get it all working:

Installing the real-time service

First make sure you actually have the real-time service installed:

$ grunt install:real-time


You should add a new line to your config file to include the new websocketsUrl parameter:

modules.exports =
    siteUrl: ""
    websocketsUrl: ""

This should be the same as your siteUrl.

Reverse proxy settings

In development the editor connects to the real-time service at http://localhost:3026, a separate end point from the web service, hence the need for a configurable parameter. In production you likely have a reverse proxy set up, and need to forward any requests to / onto the real-time service rather than the web service.

See the Nginx as a Reverse Proxy page for an Nginx example, particularly the location / block.

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