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Configuring Overleaf

Miguel Serrano edited this page Apr 1, 2024 · 12 revisions

IMPORTANT: starting with Overleaf CE/Server Pro 5.0.1 environment variables have been rebranded from SHARELATEX_* to OVERLEAF_*.

If you're using a 4.x version (or earlier) please make sure the variables are prefix accordingly (e.g. SHARELATEX_SITE_URL instead of OVERLEAF_SITE_URL)


  • OVERLEAF_SITE_URL: Where your instance of Overleaf is publically available. This is used in public links, and when connecting over websockets, so must be configured correctly!

  • OVERLEAF_ADMIN_EMAIL: The email address where users can reach the person who runs the site.

  • OVERLEAF_APP_NAME: The name to display when talking about the running app. Defaults to 'Overleaf (Community Edition)'.

  • OVERLEAF_MONGO_URL: The URL of the Mongo database to use

  • OVERLEAF_REDIS_HOST and REDIS_HOST: The host name of the Redis instance to use. Both are required (see release notes)

  • OVERLEAF_REDIS_PORT and REDIS_PORT: The port of the Redis instance to use. Both are required (see release notes)

  • OVERLEAF_REDIS_PASS: The password to use when connecting to Redis (if applicable)

  • OVERLEAF_NAV_TITLE: Set the tab title of the application

  • OVERLEAF_SESSION_SECRET: A random string which is used to secure tokens, if load balancing this needs to be set to the same toke across boxes. If only 1 instance is being run it does not need to be set by the user.

  • OVERLEAF_COOKIE_SESSION_LENGTH: This environment variable allows you to override the default session cookie expiration time of 5 days. The override value provided should be specified in milliseconds. For example, to make the session last for 1 hour, set COOKIE_SESSION_LENGTH=3600000. (Added in Server Pro 4.2)

  • OVERLEAF_BEHIND_PROXY: Set to true if running behind a proxy like nginx/apache allowing it to correctly detect the forwarded IP address

  • OVERLEAF_SECURE_COOKIE: Set this to something non-zero to use a secure cookie. Only use this if your Overleaf instance is running behind a reverse proxy with SSL configured.

  • OVERLEAF_RESTRICT_INVITES_TO_EXISTING_ACCOUNTS: If set to true, will restrict project invites to email addresses which correspond with existing user accounts.

  • OVERLEAF_ALLOW_PUBLIC_ACCESS: If set to 'true', will allow non-authenticated users to view the site. The default is false, which means non-authenticated users will be unconditionally redirected to the login page when they try to view any part of the site. Note, setting this option does not disable authentication or security in any way. This option is necessary if your users intend to make their projects public and have non-authenticated users view those projects.

  • OVERLEAF_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_READ_AND_WRITE_SHARING: If set to 'true', will allow anonymous users to view and edit projects shared via the new link-sharing feature.

  • EMAIL_CONFIRMATION_DISABLED: When set to 'true' the banner requesting email confirmation won't be displayed.

  • ADDITIONAL_TEXT_EXTENSIONS: an array of strings to configure additional extensions for editable files:ADDITIONAL_TEXT_EXTENSIONS='["abc", "xyz"]'

  • OVERLEAF_STATUS_PAGE_URL: Custom status page URL (since 3.4.0), e.g.

  • OVERLEAF_FPH_INITIALIZE_NEW_PROJECTS: set to 'false' to prevent new projects from being initialised with Full Project History (since 3.5.0)

  • OVERLEAF_FPH_DISPLAY_NEW_PROJECTS set to 'false' to prevent new projects from displaying Full Project History instead of the legacy history (since 3.5.0)

  • ENABLE_CRON_RESOURCE_DELETION: Set this environment variable to true to enable the automatic cleanup of deleted projects and users after 90 days.

SSO (Server Pro Only)


Please see Server Pro: SAML Config for details.


Please see Server Pro: LDAP Config for details.

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