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Server Pro: Sandboxed Compiles

Miguel Serrano edited this page Apr 1, 2024 · 36 revisions

Overleaf Server Pro comes with the option to run compiles in a secured sandbox environment for enterprise security. It does this by running every project in its own secured docker environment.


For toolkit based setups, please refer to the dedicated documentation page on Sandboxed Compiles in the toolkit.


In this example, note the following:

  • the docker socket volume mounted into the Overleaf container
  • DOCKER_RUNNER set to "true"
  • SANDBOXED_COMPILES set to "true"
  • SANDBOXED_COMPILES_HOST_DIR set to "/data/overleaf_data/data/compiles", the place on the host where the compile data will be written

IMPORTANT: starting with Overleaf CE/Server Pro 5.0.1 environment variables have been rebranded from SHARELATEX_* to OVERLEAF_*.

If you're using a 4.x version (or earlier) please make sure the variables are prefix accordingly (e.g. SHARELATEX_MONGO_URL instead of OVERLEAF_MONGO_URL)

version: '2'
        restart: always
        container_name: sharelatex
            - mongo
            - redis
            - 80:80
            - mongo
            - redis
            - /data/overleaf_data:/var/lib/overleaf # (/var/lib/sharelatex for versions 4.x and earlier)
            - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock    #### IMPORTANT
            OVERLEAF_MONGO_URL: mongodb://mongo/sharelatex
            OVERLEAF_REDIS_HOST: redis
            OVERLEAF_APP_NAME: 'My Overleaf'
            OVERLEAF_SITE_URL: ""
            OVERLEAF_NAV_TITLE: "Our Overleaf Instance"
            OVERLEAF_ADMIN_EMAIL: ""
            DOCKER_RUNNER: "true"
            SANDBOXED_COMPILES: "true"
            # Note: (/var/lib/sharelatex for versions 4.x and earlier)
            SANDBOXED_COMPILES_HOST_DIR: "/data/overleaf_data/data/compiles"  #### IMPORTANT 
            SYNCTEX_BIN_HOST_PATH: "/data/overleaf_data/bin"  #### IMPORTANT

Changing the TexLive Image

Server Pro uses three environment variables to determine which texlive images to use for sandboxed compiles:

  • TEX_LIVE_DOCKER_IMAGE: name of the default image for new projects
  • ALL_TEX_LIVE_DOCKER_IMAGES: comma-separated list of all images in use
  • ALL_TEX_LIVE_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAMES: Optional: comma-separated list of user-facing friendly names for the images. If omitted, the version number will be used, for example, texlive-full:2018.1

When the Server Pro instance starts up, it will pull all of the images listed in ALL_TEX_LIVE_DOCKER_IMAGES.

The current default is, but you can override these values in the environment section of the docker-compose file.

Here's an example where we default to texlive 2018 for new projects, and keep both 2018 and 2017 in use for older projects:

    ALL_TEX_LIVE_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAMES: "TeX Live 2018.1,TeX Live 2017.1"

Before updating to a newer version of TexLive we strongly recommend backing up your data and update to the latest version of Server Pro available.

Available TexLive Images

These are all the TexLive images that can be added to TEX_LIVE_DOCKER_IMAGE and ALL_TEX_LIVE_DOCKER_IMAGES:

  • (legacy)
  • (legacy)
  • (legacy)
  • (legacy)
  • (legacy)
  • (legacy)
  • (legacy)

Extending TexLive

It's possible to extend an existing TexLive image using a new Dockerfile and configure the application to use the new image.

Here we offer some guidelines to install new packages or fonts, but the configuration of a custom image is not covered by our support terms.

The TeXLive images receive infrequent updates. We suggest rebuilding custom images when upgrading Server Pro.

Installing and updating new packages

You can use tlmgr commands such as tlmgr install and tlmgr update to manage TexLive packages as in the following example:


RUN tlmgr update --force ebproof

Using tlmgr in an older TeXLive image

By default tlmgr downloads resources from the latest TeXLive release. When patching an older TeXLive image, the downloads need to be switched to the respective archive. See the list in for mirrors of archives.


RUN tlmgr option repository <MIRROR>/systems/texlive/<YEAR>/tlnet-final
# e.g. RUN tlmgr option repository

RUN tlmgr update --force ebproof

Installing new fonts

There are different procedures to install new fonts in a TexLive distribution, and installing a custom font might require several steps. Checking the instructions to install TeX fonts in the official TexLive documentation is probably a good starting point.

The following Dockerfile shows an example of installing a TrueType font over an existing TexLive 2022 image:


COPY ./myfonts/*.ttf /usr/share/fonts/truetype/myfont/

# rebuild font information cache
RUN fc-cache

Configuring Server Pro to use the new images

Use the name and a custom tag to build the new image, as in:

docker build -t

We can now configure Server Pro to use the new 2023.1-custom image updating the TEX_LIVE_DOCKER_IMAGE and ALL_TEX_LIVE_DOCKER_IMAGES environment variables:


In the example above new projects are set by default to use the new 2023.1-custom image, while 2023.1 is still available for when it's needed.

Low level docker setup

⚠️ Warning: previous versions of Server Pro supported a docker-in-Docker setup for Sandboxed Compiles. This is no longer supported starting at v2.0. Original instructions to setup docker-in-docker are available here

Running Docker inside Docker can be hard to set up, and in many cases simply can't be made to work well. For those situations, we use instead Sandboxed Compiles with "Sibling Containers" instead of the a docker-in-docker setup. (From version 0.5.11 onwards)

With Sibling Containers, the Overleaf container doesn't start the compiler containers inside of itself, instead it communicates with the Host docker instance to spawn the compilers on the Host, alongside of itself.

To make this work we need to do a few things:

  1. Update the required environment variables
  2. Mount the host docker socket into the Overleaf container
  3. Mapping the host compile directory
  4. Mapping the location of synctex in the host

Notably, the privileged flag is not required when using sibling containers.

Environment variables



--env DOCKER_RUNNER='true'

Mounting the docker socket

This point is only relevant to Server Pro v1.x. Starting with Server Pro 2.0.0 fiddling with group and user permissions is not needed.

We need to mount the host docker socket (usually /var/run/docker.sock) into the Overleaf container. In this example, note the addition of an extra -v option with /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock.

docker run -d \
  -v ~/sharelatex_data:/var/lib/sharelatex \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  -p 5000:80 \
  --name=sharelatex \

It is important that the docker socket is owned by a group with the group id of 999 to match the group id used inside of the Overleaf container.

Check the group, in this case docker

> ls -l /var/run/docker.sock
srw-rw---- 1 root docker 0 May 31 08:57 /var/run/docker.sock

See the groupid of the docker group is 999

> getent group docker

If you are using the example docker-compose file, there is a commented-out example of this mount under the volumes section.

Mapping the host compile directory

The Overleaf container writes its data to a directory which is mounted from the host. For this example, let's say that this mount is /data/overleaf_data:/var/lib/overleaf (mounted to /var/lib/sharelatex for versions 4.x and earlier).

Within that directory, there will be a data/compiles directory. Because the compiler containers will be spawned on the Host (not inside the Overleaf container), we need to specify the full path to that directory on the host:

--env SANDBOXED_COMPILES_HOST_DIR='/data/overleaf_data/data/compiles'

Mapping the location of synctex in the host

⚠️ Warning: If you're running Server Pro 2.0.1 or 2.0.2 please follow these instructions instead: Fixing-SyncTeX errors in Server Pro 2.0.0 and 2.0.1

Overleaf automatically places synctex executable in the correct location in the host, so it can be then mounted inside the compiler container. This location must be provided by SYNCTEX_BIN_HOST_PATH environment variable, and should point to the bin/synctex file inside the directory mounted from the host.

Let's say that the volume mount definition is /data/overleaf_data:/var/lib/overleaf, then the value of the property should be:

--env SYNCTEX_BIN_HOST_PATH='/data/overleaf_data/bin/synctex'
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