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Release Notes 0.1.3 and 0.1.4

James Allen edited this page Mar 20, 2015 · 1 revision

0.1.3 was mostly bug fixes. The notable thing for users running upgrading from old versions in 0.1.4 is user management, and the addition and removal of some settings parameters:

User Management

Public registration is now removed in the open source version. It is a significant security risk to allow public access to a LaTeX installation on your server, and most users have request some for of private user management. See Creating and managing users for an overview of how it now works.

Added settings

  • appName - This should be set to the name of your ShareLaTeX install. E.g. "Acme Inc's ShareLaTeX Server".
  • adminEmail - The contact email address of whoever is responsible for running the server.

Deprecated settings

  • websocketsUrl - This was the source of most problems with 0.1.2 and 0.1.3 so has been removed. The web service now proxies to the real-time service so the client does not need to know where to find it.
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