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Miguel Serrano edited this page May 27, 2021 · 21 revisions

Data Security

No data is sent to 3rd parties, including

Sending messages to all users

The admin panel allows for a banner to be set for all users

Deleting users

Overleaf Server Pro's admin panel has the option to delete users, it can also be done via mongo command line


If you are running MongoDB under docker, you can get a mongo shell with:

# Overleaf Toolkit users
$ bin/mongo

# Legacy docker-compose.yml users
$ docker-compose exec mongo bash
> use sharelatex

Counting users

Create a mongo shell and check the number of entries in the users collection:

> db.users.count()

Giving admin rights to an existing user.

Update the isAdmin field in the users collection:

> db.users.updateOne({email:""},{"$set": {isAdmin: true}})
{ "acknowledged" : true, "matchedCount" : 1, "modifiedCount" : 1 }

Maximum size of projects in Overleaf

Please see our learn wiki for information on project size and upload limits.

Maximum size of uploads

Please see our learn wiki for information on project size and upload limits.

What is a public project?

A public project is a project which has had all authentication removed from it so anyone can access it. It will not show up on other users' project lists.

Is reference search and Mendeley available?

The advanced reference features in Overleaf are not currently available. We do have plans to add them into server pro in the future but they require increased hosting requirements and complexity so have held back from including them to date.

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