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Creating and managing users

Henry Oswald edited this page Nov 17, 2016 · 17 revisions

Creating the first admin user

Run the following command against your docker container to create your first user and make them an admin:

$ docker exec sharelatex /bin/bash -c "cd /var/www/sharelatex; grunt user:create-admin --email"

This will create a user with the given email address if they don't already exist, and make them an admin user. In the command output, you will be given a URL to visit where you can set the password for this user and log in for the first time.

Deleting Users

User can be deleted via the following command, projects will also be deleted so be careful with this.

$ docker exec sharelatex /bin/bash -c "cd /var/www/sharelatex; grunt user:delete --email"

Creating normal users

Once you are logged in as an admin user, you can visit /admin/register on your ShareLaTeX instance and create a new users. If you have an email backend configured in your settings file, the new users will be sent an email with a URL to set their password. If not, you will have to distribute the password reset URLs manually. These are shown when you create a user.

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