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User Stories: Content

kiranw06 edited this page Oct 23, 2016 · 9 revisions


As a poetry reader, I want to browse for poems, so that I can easily and quickly find works to read that are interesting to me.

Estimated Size: KW-Large LW-Large MO-Large

Priority: KW-Must

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Users can successfully navigate the poetry archive while indexing poems:

  • alphabetically by title

  • chronologically by publishing date

  • search tag (brief descriptor)

  • The user can successfully find poems with a search function that generates a list of results.

  • Users can assess some basic qualities of the poem by reading the search tags.


As a social technology user, I want to share poems online, so that I can show my favorite poems to friends and colleagues.

Estimated Size: KW-Medium LW-Medium MO-Medium

Priority: KW-Should

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Users can successfully generate a post to a required social media site that embeds a link to their selected poem in the post.
  • Users can copy working links to share outside of social media (email, sms, messenger, etc.).
  • Friends of the user can successfully link back to the poem on our website from users post.


As a social technology user and fan of the poet, I want to view a feed of social media posts about this poet.

Estimated Size: MO-medium LW-medium KW-medium

Priority: KW-Could

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Users can view a feed from various social media sites that contain references to the poet or her works.
  • Users can click a link to share or re-tweet the posts using their own social media accounts.
  • Users can copy working links to share outside of social media (email, sms, messenger, etc.).


As a social media user and fan of the poet, I want to view the poet's social media posts.

Estimated Size: MO-medium LW-medium KW-medium

Priority: KW-Should

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Users can view a feed from various social media sites that contains the poet's social media posts.
  • Users can click a link to share or re-tweet the posts using their own social media accounts.
  • Users can copy working links to share outside of social media (email, sms, messenger, etc.).


As a fan of the poet, I want to find biographic information, so that I can learn more about the poet.

Estimated Size: KW-Medium LW-Medium MO-Medium

Priority: KW-Should

Acceptance Criteria:

  • The user quickly locate the biography page.
  • Users can access a multimedia page that relevantly describes the poet's life and work.


As a person who is new to the poet's work, I want to read popular/randomly selected poems, so that I can be introduced to their work.

Estimated Size: KW-Medium LW-Medium MO-Medium

Priority: KW-Could

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Users can quickly successfully find a list of featured poems on the website.
  • Users can access brief and clear summary describing the poems relevance.