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Requirements: Accessibility

lukeware edited this page Oct 3, 2016 · 5 revisions

Requirement Set Name: Accessibility

Description: PDG aim's to be a fully accessible implementation on both desktop and mobile platforms. Since poetry is often used in education, we feel that it's important to be fully Section 508 compliant to meet the level of demand that publicly funded schools and universities face. Further we also intend to be WCAG 2.0 compliant so that our users have the best experience. Meeting WCAG 2.0 guidelines also means that we honor the accessibility standards that are becoming increasingly more strict around the world.

While not required by 508 or WCAG 2.0, the site will also feature audio narrations of poems being read to better enhance the user experience. This will be of great benefit to people who normally rely on the robotic screen reader voice, and will greatly enhance the overall user experience for our entire audience.

Requirements of particular note:

  • 508/WCAG 2.0 compliant: alt tags used for all non-text images such as poet portraits
  • 508/WCAG 2.0 compliant: captions will be provided to any video created by our site, or a transcript will be provided in the event we host a video not originally created by us
  • 508/WCAG 2.0 compliant: color will be used with high contrast, and our site will be designed so that color is not used as part of navigation or message delivery
  • 508/WCAG 2.0 compliant: pages still be read and understood with stylesheets turned off