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Old: Configuring Qt Creator

Megan Maher edited this page May 31, 2016 · 1 revision

Qt Creator is an annoyingly competent C++ editor which is capable of most IDE functions. The code navigation tools, syntax highlighting, static code checking, refactoring, and git integration are especially nice. For more information see the Qt website

Setting it up with our codebase is relatively simple.

  1. Download qt creator with sudo apt-get install qtcreator
  2. Open Qt Creator and go to File->Open File or Project
  3. Navigate to src/tool/CMakeList.cmake
  4. If it asks for a build dir, navigate to nbites/build/tool

It should automatically parse the code touched by that cmake (including protobuffs and outside libs).

Basic things to tinker with:

-if it is not finding something, it's generally due to files modified since parsing (like checking out a new branch with a new file). Build->Run Cmake will force new parse.

-Git blame stuff is really nice, if you're confused by a line you can easily see the associated git message. Default for blame is Alt G, Alt B. It can do most other git things too, but I still prefer git-gui for line/patch selection git commit staging.

-It should uild in nbites/build/tool and work. To view the target(s) you want build to make, go to Projects, Build Steps and modify the target check boxes. I also suggest adding -j(cores) as an additional flag.

-QtCreator has an excellent debugger. I love debuggers. You should too.

You can select other CMakeLists of course, but setting this up for quick and useful offline development should be useful. Enjoy!

Enjoy! For vim users (Josh), there is a vim mode built in...

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