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Megan Maher edited this page Jun 1, 2016 · 1 revision

Git Issues is what we use to organize all the projects, ideas, and bug finds of the codebase. Although it has been out of date more recently, we are starting to use it full time, and will continue this use in the future.

A very comprehensive and good description of issues can be found here. Read it. It's a quick read and awesome.

Just a few notes: ##Description + Comments When you open a new GitHub issue, you should include as much detail as possible. This includes a thorough description of the problem, potential examples of the problem, how it has affected games or development, and if you have any thoughts about solutions, include those as well. If you are referencing a specific file, you may include that information here.

If you come across an issue that you have made progress on or have information about, leave a comment. Often comments become discussions between old and current members about approaches and solutions. Remember that alums often subscribe to nbites and receive email updates whenever issues are opened, discussed, or closed.


The labels we use:

Area of Codebase (blue shade)
Admin, Behaviors, Comm, Localization, Motion, Vision.
Priority (red shade)
High, Medium, Low.
Language (yellow shade)
Assembly, C++, Java, Python.
Tool Development + Testing Code (orange shade)
Serenity, Tool.
Newbie Friendly Projects (bright green!)
Put in bright green so they are easy to spot!


A milestone example: if the team wants to move lower level behaviors into c++ (big project that is real!), there are many individual components, such as 1) the head tracker, 2) the navigator, and 3) the kick decider. In this scenario, we would open up a new issue for 1) the head tracker, 2) the navigator, and 3) the kick decider, and then on each of those pages, we would add the milestone "rewrite low level behaviors".

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