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Obstacle Detection Module

Konstantine edited this page Feb 3, 2016 · 2 revisions

Our obstacle detection module is composed of three components:

  • Vision --> to be replaced with Megan's Robot Detection Module
  • Sonars
  • Arms


9 directions. First one is none (i.e. no obstacle). 8 Directions: starting at North in front of the robot, going in clockwise direction.


  • detects which direction the arms are being pushed in
  • if both arms pushed backwards, obstacle in front
  • if both arms pushed forward, obstacle behind and etc.
  • calculates direction based on arm displacement
  • only accounts for one obstacle, if arms pushed into opposite discretions we do nothing because we are unable to detect where the obstacle is
  • used when running directly into robots, otherwise not very useful.


method: run()

  • runs every frame

  • obstacleDistance[] -> tells us distance of obstacles from where we are in each of 8 directions

  • obstacleDetectors[] -> tells us what module detected the obstacle (sonars, arms, vision) in each of 8 directions

  • variables usingArms, usingSonars, usingVision let us turn off methods of detection for particular robots, e.g. V5s have unreliable sonars

  • JSON file that sets usingArms, usingSonars, usingVision can be found in ObstacleModule.h

  • if usingArms, processArms method is run; returns which direction the obstacle is in (enums in Obstacle.proto). returns position, distance and which detector *Obstacle.proto message used for obstacle detection in general *if usingSonars do the same thing for sonars

Information from Sonars and Arms is combined into one entity, information from vision represents a separate entity.

  • if anything is turned off, we will use whatever information we have available

method: processSonars()

  • add sonar readings to right and leftSonar lists

  • if usingRightSonar and size of rightSonars is more than buffer, pop from rightSonars; same logic applies for the left. This is done so that we only look at the most recent 20 readings

  • if using sonars, set right and left variables to the average value of the respective list. Otherwise the values are the upper sonar threshold and they won't be used

  • if both left and right within threshold, lastSonar reading (global variable) is the average of left and right

  • Division by 2 using bitshifts: number>>1

  • Compute Average with bitshifts: a>>1 + b>>1

  • then the obstacle is to the north, and distance is average of left and right readings

  • if right sonar is picking something up --> obstacle to NorthEast. Distance = right reading

  • if left sonar is picking something up --> obstacle is to NorthWest. Distance = left reading

  • Once we've updated obstacleDistances and obstacleDetectors from arms, sensors and vision

We set the outportal messages, if distance is zero, ignore it: otherwise we have some obstacle detected

If we have an obstacle we create a temp obstacle and add it to the FieldObstacles message. Set position (i.e. direction) to the current index; set distance to distance at the current index; set detector to detector at current index and then set the message.

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