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John Cupitt edited this page Mar 29, 2017 · 1 revision

title: What's New in 7.28 permalink: /What's_New_in_7.28/

This page summarises the changes for version 7.28. We have a detailed VIPS ChangeLog and nip2 ChangeLog, but as headlines:

libvips rewrite : About a third of libvips has been rewritten with the new framework that's been created for vips8. New operations are faster, more flexible and easier to use. There's full compatibility with the old interface as well. See below for some examples.

OpenSlide support : libvips now supports OpenSlide, a reader library for biological slides. Contributed by Benjamin Gilbert.

Better file format support : Improvements to jpeg, png and tiff handling let you manipulate EXIF tags, support better jpeg-in-tiff compression and support a wider range of png images.

Sequential mode read : A new image read mode lets you perform some operations (like thumbnailing) on some image formats much more quickly. See below.

Operation cache : libvips now keeps a cache of recent operations --- when you perform a calculation, it'll reuse old results from the cache when it can. This can produce a huge speedup in complex programs. You can also turn on cache tracing, very handy for debugging, see below for details.

Minor nip2 improvements : There's a new image header browser, fixes to help the Unity interface on Ubuntu, a new right-click menu for images and some more Matrix operations. See below.

Better Windows build : The Windows version has been built with a new version of the GTK toolkit that should be quite a bit better. There are improvements to appearance, speed, file dialogs, drag and drop and copy paste support.

Plus the usual minor speed-ups, portability improvements, enhancements and bug fixes. What's New in 7.26 is still there if you're interested.

nip2 improvements

The right-button on image thumbnails now has a Header item.


This takes you directly to the image header display. Header fields are now shown much more clearly, and there's a new search box at the upper-right. This lets you filter the fields which are shown. This is handy for dealing with formats which have hundreds of fields, like FITS or DICOM.


There's a new right-button menu on image backgrounds. This can be quicker than using the top menus.


Finally, a new set of Matrix menu items let you sort matrices and generate series.

libvips rewrite

In 7.26 we introduced a new core for libvips. In this version we've started rewriting libvips operators to use this new system. A set of compatibility functions now implement the old vips7 interface on top of these new operators.

One of the big new features is optional output arguments. For example, VipsMin is an operation that finds the minimum value of an image. You can run it from the command-line like this:

$ vips min fred.jpg

Very similar to the old im_min. But now there are also optional output arguments to get the position of the minimum:

$ vips min --x --y fred.jpg

Run with no arguments to get a handy help display:

$ vips min
   min in out
   in           - Input image, input VipsImage
   out          - Output value, output gdouble
optional arguments:
   y            - Vertical position of minimum, output gint
   x            - Horizontal position of minimum, output gint

You get the same API in Python, Ruby, Javascript, nip2, C and C++:

>> m = im.min()
>> print m
>> m, x, y = im.min(x = True, y = True)

VipsImage *fred;
double m;
int x, y;

vips_min (fred, &m,
      "x", &x,
      "y", &y,

The old vips7 interface is still there, just use the "im_" prefix to get that.

$ vips im_min
usage: vips im_min in
    in is of type "image"
    value of type "double"
minimum value of image, from package "arithmetic"
flags: (PIO function) (no coordinate transformation) (area operation) (result can be cached)

VipsJoin has one of the fanciest ones. At a minimum it's:

$ vips join left.v right.v out.v horizontal

to join two images left-right, but there are also extra optional arguments, for example:

$ vips join --expand --background 0,255,0 --align centre --shim 50 left.v right.v out.v horizontal

to join left-right with a 50 pixel gap, the output expanded to hold all of both left and right, and the background painted green.

Operation cache

libvips now keeps a cache of recent operations. When you run something, it checks the cache and reuses the old result if it can. This can produce a huge speedup for complex programs.

There are a set of command-line switches to control how many operations are cached, how much memory to allocate to the cache and how many file descriptors you are prepared to give it. You can also trace cache behaviour, which can be handy for debugging.

For example, here's a tiny Python script to find the maximum of an image using the new vips8 interface:


import sys
from vips8 import vips

# turn on the cache trace
from gi.repository import Vips

a = vips.Image(sys.argv[1])
print a.max()
print a.max()

When you run it, the cache_set_trace(True) enables cache tracing and you can see what operations actually get run:

$ ./ ~/pics/Gugg_coloured.jpg
vips cache: miss 0x21a80c0
  jpegload "/home/john/pics/Gugg_coloured.jpg" VipsForeignLoadJpegFile (0x21a80c0)
vips cache: miss 0x21a81e0
  max ((vips8+vips+Image*) 0x21a7000) VipsMax (0x21a81e0)
vips cache: miss 0x21c1650
  sequential ((VipsImage*) 0x21a7730) VipsSequential (0x21c1650)
vips cache: miss 0x21a86f0
  tilecache ((VipsImage*) 0x21a78a0) VipsTileCache (0x21a86f0)
vips cache: hit 0x21a81e0
  max ((vips8+vips+Image*) 0x21a7000) VipsMax (0x21a8660)

So the first max() causes four operations to run (jpegload, max, sequential, tilecache), the second just pulls the 255 from the operation cache. The command-line switch --vips-cache-trace does the same for command-line programs.

New file format system

In vips7 you specify file formats and give them options like this:

$ vips im_vips2tiff myfile.v newfile.tiff:jpeg

meaning load the file myfile.v, then write it to newfile.tiff in TIFF format with jpeg compression.

The vips8 equivalent is called tiffsave and it uses all the optional argument features of the new vips8 operations. If you run it with no arguments you get a nice help display:

$ vips tiffsave
   tiffsave in filename
   in           - Image to save, input VipsImage
   filename     - Filename to save to, input gchararray
optional arguments:
   compression  - Compression for this file, input VipsForeignTiffCompression
   Q            - Q factor, input gint
   predictor    - Compression prediction, input VipsForeignTiffPredictor
   profile      - ICC profile to embed, input gchararray
   tile         - Write a tiled tiff, input gboolean
   tile-width   - Tile width in pixels, input gint
   tile-height  - Tile height in pixels, input gint
   pyramid      - Write a pyramidal tiff, input gboolean
   squash       - Squash images down to 1 bit, input gboolean
   resunit      - Resolution unit, input VipsForeignTiffResunit
   bigtiff      - Write a bigtiff image, input gboolean

and you can do the equivalent of the old vips7 command above like this:

$ vips tiffsave myfile.v newfile.tiff --compression jpeg

You can also embed options in the file name using the standard vips8 syntax. For example:

$ vips invert fred.jpg jim.tif[compression=jpeg]

Which will load fred.jpg, invert it, then save as a jpeg-compressed tiff.

The old vips7 system is still there and working, though it's now just a thin skin over the new system.

Sequential mode read

Many image formats only really support sequential reading. For example, libpng provides png_read_row(), a function which reads the next line of pixels from a file. You call it once for each line in the image to get every pixel.

However, many operations require random access to pixels. For example, a 90-degree rotate will need to read a column of pixels for every output line it writes. If it just used png_read_row() it would need to decompress the input image many, many times in order to create the output.

To prevent this, libvips will first decompress the entire image to a large temporary area and then process from that. This temporary area is in memory for small files or on disc for large files.

Not all operations need random access to their source pixels. For example, thumbnailing, the process of shrinking images for display, can work strictly top-to-bottom. To help speed up operations of this type, libvips has a new hint that you can give to read operations to indicate that you only need sequential access.

$ time vips --vips-leak copy wtc.jpg[sequential] wtc.tif
real    0m4.903s
user    0m1.384s
sys     0m0.512s
memory: high-water mark 70.73 MB

(where wtc.jpg is a 10,000 by 10,000 pixel RGB image and --vips-leak makes libvips print peak memory use)

Here the [sequential] hint means that we will only need top-to-bottom access to the pixels in wtc.jpg. When libvips opens this image it will not decompress to a temporary buffer but, instead, stream pixels from the jpeg decompressor directly through the operation. This saves first writing and then reading the 300 MB temporary area.

The sequential mode reader keeps a few hundred lines behind the current read point in a cache so it can handle some small amount of non-sequential access. If you try something that's very non-sequential after giving the [sequential] hint, you get an error.

$ time vips flip wtc.png[sequential] wtc.tif vertical
VipsSequential: non-sequential read --- at position 0 in file, but position 9344 requested

Without the [sequential] hint you get the current libvips behaviour, which is noticeably slower and of course makes much more disc traffic:

$ time vips copy wtc.jpg wtc.tif
real    0m6.004s
user    0m1.588s
sys     0m1.208s
memory: high-water mark 77.46 MB

The jpeg, stripped tiff and png readers now support sequential mode read.

The libvips thumbnailing utility, vipsthumbnail, now turns on sequential mode for you, so you get this nice behaviour automatically.

You can see a good speedup when building large pyramids:

$ time vips copy world.topo.bathy.200405.3x21600x21600.A1.jpg A1-pyr.tif[compression=jpeg,tile,pyramid]
real 1m12.996s
user 0m22.845s
sys 0m4.552s

$ time vips copy world.topo.bathy.200405.3x21600x21600.A1.jpg[sequential] A1-pyr.tif[compression=jpeg,tile,pyramid]
real 0m24.218s
user 0m22.277s
sys 0m1.172s
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