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Overview of default commands and their configurations

Laserzwei edited this page Nov 6, 2018 · 4 revisions

Overview of default commands and their configurations

Here you can read about all commands and their configuration in detail. The commands will select their squads autonomous and start them according to your configuration.

Attack Command

The attack command will send out squads, which have fighters designed to damage ships. This excludes salvaging, Mining, Repair and Cargo fighters. It does not comprehend for different weapon types. It mainly controls the targeting behavior. And leave the movement to the build-in Vanilla ones. It comes with a variety of configurations:


Select the action, when there are no enemies to be found. In Defend state they won't ever dock until the command is [D]eactivated. It does the same thing for all other commands.

Attack Civils

When checked attack-fighters will target civil-ships that are from a hostile faction (have a red indicator around them). This can cause a reputation hit with all other factions present in that sector.

Attack Stations

When checked attack-fighters will also target hostile stations. This can bring in additional defense forces from the station-owners. Stations by default have the lowest attack priority and thus will be attacked last. This can be changed in the config

re-targeting threshold distance-Slider

This value determines, how much closer a new target (of the same priority) in comparison to the current target has to be from either the mothership (Aggressive Targeting unchecked) or the squads center (Aggressive Targeting checked), to get selected as new target. Let me elaborate this with an example:

  • Aggressive Targeting is checked.
  • re-targeting threshold set to 15km
  • current target (E1) is 25km away (from the squad)
  • a different target (E2) is 15km away (from the squad)

Then the new target would be ignored and the fighters would still go after the first target.

If E2 was only 10km away, then the fighters would go after E2.

If the threshold was set to 10km, then the fighters would switch target and go after E2.

Low values (<5km) will likely result in continuing target switching, which results in very short firebursts from your fighters and thus reduced damage. Too high values (>40km) and your fighters might fly straight through an armada just to persue that one small ship. A good indicator to choose is your fighters weapon range * 2. Only viable, if Unsupervised Targeting is unchecked. Goes from 1km-50km (default 15km).

Aggressive Targeting

When checked, the closest target to the fighters in the squads (literally the average position of all attacking fighters) will be chosen. Un-checked: The position of the mothership will be the reference position. This results in fighters being "on the hunt" if checked or defensive around your Carrier- going after the most imminent threat at a time.

Unsupervised Targeting

Checked: Vanilla targeting behavior. That is: attack whatever is closest and attack it until it's dead. This will result in:

  • your fighters will attack civil ships
  • your fighters will attack stations
  • your fighters will not use the priorities set in the config
  • your fighters will not respond to new enemies until the current target is dead
  • They will still attack "neutral" Xsotan

Mine Command

Mine all Asteroids

Checked: Your mining fighters will mine all asteroids regardless, if they have resources in them or not. Unchecked: Only mine Asteroids with resources in them.

Mine Nearest

The name is a little deciving. It will mine the asteroid clesest to your squads (checked) or to your mothership (unchecked). The latter is usefull, if you're piloting the ship and only want to mine specific asteroids: You just fly close to them and your little minions will happily go after them.

Repair Command

Repair ALL friendly

Checked: "ALL" as in every Faction with a standing >-5000 (yellowish) including Alliances and other players. Unchecked: Alliance ships and your own.

Repair lowest HP first

Checked: The name says it: The ship with the lowest HP (in absolute numbers) will be targeted and repaired until it's healed. Unchecked: The closest target (from the mothership) will be healed.

Salvage Command

Salvage Nearest

Basically the same as in Mining Config. Checked: The closest wreckage to the squads. Unchecked: The closest Wreackage to the mothership.

Dock all Fighters

This comes last as it has special properties. When pressed all active commands will stop and the fighters will be ordered to return to the mothership (only applies to the mothership from which it was ordered).