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Piers Shepperson edited this page Jan 19, 2022 · 2 revisions


CLI command zbox bl-info

Returns a row from the blobber table

type Blobber struct {
	BlobberID string `json:"id" gorm:"uniqueIndex"`
	BaseURL   string `json:"url"`

	// geolocation
	Latitude  float64 `json:"latitude"`
	Longitude float64 `json:"longitude"`

	// terms
	ReadPrice               int64   `json:"read_price"`
	WritePrice              int64   `json:"write_price"`
	MinLockDemand           float64 `json:"min_lock_demand"`
	MaxOfferDuration        string  `json:"max_offer_duration"`
	ChallengeCompletionTime string  `json:"challenge_completion_time"`

	Capacity        int64 `json:"capacity"` // total blobber capacity
	Used            int64 `json:"used"`     // allocated capacity
	LastHealthCheck int64 `json:"last_health_check"`

	// stake_pool_settings
	DelegateWallet string  `json:"delegate_wallet"`
	MinStake       int64   `json:"min_stake"`
	MaxStake       int64   `json:"max_stake"`
	NumDelegates   int     `json:"num_delegates"`
	ServiceCharge  float64 `json:"service_charge"`

	WriteMarkers []WriteMarker `gorm:"foreignKey:BlobberID;references:BlobberID"`
	ReadMarkers  []ReadMarker  `gorm:"foreignKey:BlobberID;references:BlobberID"`

This information is currently returned in the form of a StorageNode to maintain backward compatibility.

Current version and older depreciated version.