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Piers Shepperson edited this page Oct 29, 2021 · 2 revisions

Miner SC

Unit tests

Test in docker container

From 0chain project root execute the following command to run unit-tests


Node settings


delegate_wallet: '<put_wallet_id_here>'
service_charge: 0.10
number_of_delegates: 10
min_stake: 10.0
max_stake: 1000.0

Delegate wallet

Delegate wallet is wallet_id of user that can control node changing its settings. If the delegate_wallet is empty, then node ID used. For example, a genesis node can't have a delegate wallet, because to register a wallet the genesis nodes should be running (e.g. already registered). Thus, the delegate_wallet can be set for non-genesis nodes only. For genesis nodes their IDs used. Check out b0mnode1_keys.txt for example for miner 1. Also, a node prints its ID in logs on start. For miner 1 it's wallet file is

  "client_id": "31810bd1258ae95955fb40c7ef72498a556d3587121376d9059119d280f34929",
  "client_key": "255452b9f49ebb8c8b8fcec9f0bd8a4284e540be1286bd562578e7e59765e41a7aada04c9e2ad3e28f79aacb0f1be66715535a87983843fea81f23d8011e728b",
  "keys": [
      "public_key": "255452b9f49ebb8c8b8fcec9f0bd8a4284e540be1286bd562578e7e59765e41a7aada04c9e2ad3e28f79aacb0f1be66715535a87983843fea81f23d8011e728b",
      "private_key": "8a3f56841f7fd5feb058cae8d16ab87e1c682fd53cfc1204a80c5d0ceb15f509"
  "version": "1.0",
  "date_created": "2020-03-16 00:47:58.247961953 +0400 +04 m=+0.015793530"

The delegate wallet can't be changed even if node ID used instead.

The mn-update-config command of the zwallet should be called by owner of the delegate wallet. Otherwise, command will fail.

Service charge.

Service charge is % (value in [0; 1) range) of all fees and rewards of a block that goes to block generator stake holders.

The formulas

generator_fees = all_fees * service_charge
generator_rewards = all_rewards * service_charge

Thus, generator receives generator_fees, generator_rewards and plus share_ratio of rest (see share_ratio below).

Number of delegates.

Number of delegates is max number of stake pools can be created for the node. Positive integer.

Min stake, Max stake.

The min stake and the max stake are stake boundaries. This min/max values should not conflict with min/max_stake configured for entire SC (in sc.yaml). Otherwise the node can't be registered. Measured in tokens (101.12 for example).

Miner SC settings

    max_n: 100
    min_n: 3
    sharders_max_n: 0.30 # 30%
    sharders_min_n: 0.30 # 30%
    t_percent: .51
    k_percent: .75
    min_stake: 0.01 
    max_stake: 100.0
    start_rounds: 50
    contribute_rounds: 50
    share_rounds: 50
    publish_rounds: 50
    wait_rounds: 50
    interest_rate: 0.001
    reward_rate: 1.0
    share_ratio: 0.10
    block_reward: 0.7
    max_charge: 0.5
    epoch: 15000000
    reward_decline_rate: 0.1
    interest_decline_rate: 0.1
    max_mint: 4000000.0

Min stake, Max stake.

Min and max stake boundaries set for entire SC. A node can't set their min/max_stake out of this SC boundary.

Interest rate.

Interest rate is % (value in [0; 1) range) that used to calculate interests of stake holders. The interest is payed periodically, on rounds that are a multiple of the sc.yaml minersc.reward_round_frequency settings.

The formula

interest_rewrds (mint) = stake_capacity * interest_rate

The interest_rate decreased by interest_decline_rate every epoch (see epoch below).

Reward rate.

Reward rate is initially 1.0. It's % (value in [0; 1) range) that used to decline block rewards every epoch. Initially it's 1.0 (100%). E.g. a generator gives 100% of rewards (see block_reward below).

The formula

block_reward (mint) = reward_rate * block_reward

Every epoch the reward_rate declined by reward_decline_rate. And the reward declined with it.

Share ratio.

After a generator subtracts its service_charge the rest of fees divided by block sharders (stake holders) and the generator stake holders by the share_ratio.

The formula

generator_rewards = block_reward * share_ratio
sharders_rewards  = block_reward - generator_rewards

generator_reward_service_charge = generator_rewards * service_charge
sharder_reward_service_charge = sharders_rewards * service_charge

generator_fees = block_fees * share_ratio
sharders_fees  = block_fees - generator_fees

generator_fee_service_charge = generator_fees * service_charge
sharder_fee_service_charge = sharders_fees * service_charge

The generator_rewards and generator_fees divided between generator's stake holders depending their stake capacities.

The sharders_rewards and sharders_fees divided between all block sharders equally and this equal parts divided between sharders' stake holder depending their stake capacities.

Block reward.

Even if fee is zero, a generator receive block_reward (minted). The block_reward measured in tokens (0.7 tokens, for example). The real block_reward depends on reward_rate.

The formula

block_reward (mint) = block_reward (configured) * reward_rate

Since, the reward_rate is declining every epoch, the block_reward is declining too.

Max charge

Max charge is max possible service_charge can be set by a node. E.g. if a node provide service_charge greater then this, than it can't be registered.

Epoch, Reward decline rate, Interest decline rate.

The Epoch is number of round to decline reward_rate and interest_rate. The reward_decline_rate and interest_decline_rate used.

The formula

new_reward_rate = current_reward_rate * (1.0 - reward_decline_rate)
new_interest_rate = current_interest_rae * (1.0 - interest_decline_rate)

The reward_decline_rate and interest_decline_rate measured in values in [0; 1) range. For example, if interest_decline_rate is 0.1, then every epoch interest_rate becomes 90% of its value. For example, interest_rate = 0.1, with interest_decline_rate = 0.1, after the first epoch declining becomes 0.09. Next epoch it becomes 0.081. Next one 0.0729, etc.

Set a decline_rate to 0.5 to got the "half" every epoch.

Max mint

The max_mint used to stop any minting by entire SC after all SC mints reaches the max_mint. It's measured in tokens. The mints are

  • the block reward
  • stake interests

There is minetd field in the mn-config zwallet command that shows amount of tokens minted by Miner SC for current time.

Fee exempt transactions

The following transactions are exempt from fees: add_miner, miner_health_check, add_sharder, sharder_health_check, contributeMpk, sharder_keep, shareSignsOrShares and wait.

Stake pools lifecycle.

When a stake pool created it becomes PENDING. Next View Change it becomes ACTIVE and starts collecting interests. When user deletes his stake the stake pool becomes DELETING and waits next View Change. The next View Change the pool will be unlocked.

A PENDING pool can be unlocked immediately.

If a node leaves blockchain (leaves Magic Block) then Miner SC unlocks all stakes of the node returning tokens to owners.

All interests and rewards payed directly to stake holders' wallets.

It's impossible to make a stake for a offline node (any node doesn't participate blockchain, e.g. any node not from current magic block). Since, this nodes treated as offline and their tokens unlocked. Thus, (1) a node can't join blockchain, (2) still not join (a just started node) (3) leaves blockchain (turned off node) all are treated as offline. The Miner SC unlocks all stakes of all offline nodes returning tokens back.

Related zwallet commands

  mn-config          Get miner SC global info.
  mn-user-info       Get list of user pools.
  mn-info            Get miner/sharder info from Miner SC.
  mn-lock            Add miner/sharder stake.
  mn-pool-info       Get miner/sharder pool info from Miner SC.
  mn-unlock          Unlock miner/sharder stake.
  mn-update-settings Change miner/sharder settings in Miner SC.

Step by step guide.

  1. If 0chain has updated, cleanup blockchain and rebuild all.
  2. Start sharder 1 and 1-3 miners (genesis nodes).
  3. Create wallet in zwalelt and fill if with tokens
    for run in {1..10}; do ./zwallet faucet --methodName pour --input “{Pay day}”; done
    This takes a while.
  4. Determine ID of the wallet
    cat ~/.zcn/wallet.json
    The "client_id" field is the wallet ID.
  5. Check out Miner SC configurations to determine min_stake and max_sake of SC.
  6. Configure 5th miner (file docker.local/config/0chain.yaml)
    delegate_wallet: '<put the wallet ID here>'
    service_charge: 0.10
    number_of_delegates: 10
    min_stake: 0.1
    max_stake: 10.0
  7. Start the 5th miner and wait some time to let the miner register in Miner SC. Export the miner 5 ID to use in the commands
    export MINER5=53add50ff9501014df2cbd698c673f85e5785281cebba8772a64a6e74057d328
    Wait view change to let the 5th miner join blockchain.
  8. Stake 10 tokens for the 5th miner
    ./zwallet mn-lock --id $MINER5 --tokens 10.0
    end export returned pool id
    export POOL=<the returned pool ID>
  9. Check out user (own) pools
    ./zwallet mn-user-info
  10. Check 5th miner information. It should contain the pool.
    ./zwallet mn-info --id $MINER5
  11. Check out the pool.
    ./zwallet mn-pool-info --id $MINER5 --pool_id $POOL
    Make sure status is ACTIVE, or wait a view change and check again. A pool becomes ACTIVE after next view change its created. After it becomes ACTIVE check own balance that should receive interests for the sake.
  12. Check out your balance. The total_paid" of above command and the balance should be closer.
  13. It's possible to make a stake for genesis nodes too.
  14. Delete the stake
    ./zwallet mn-unlock --id $MINER5 --pool_id $POOL
    The stake will be unlocked next view change. Check out the pool
    ./zwallet mn-pool-info --id $MINER5 --pool_id $POOL
    It's status should be "DELETING".
  15. Wait a view change to let the stake be unlocked. Check the pool (should be not found)
    ./zwallet mn-pool-info --id $MINER5 --pool_id $POOL
    Check the node, total_stake should be zero.
    ./zwallet mn-info --id $MINER5
    Check user pools, the list should b empty
    ./zwallet mn-user-info
  16. Lock stake again.
    ./zwallet mn-lock --id $MINER5 --tokens 10.0
    Wait the pool becomes ACTIVE. Turn off the 5th miner. Wait View Change again. The pool should be unlocked and all tokens returned to user.

Client specific API

Use ./zwallet mn-user-info to get all stake pools of current user.