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Yury edited this page Mar 21, 2023 · 6 revisions



Blobber fetches open challenges in worker periodically, saving new challenges into the DB. (?add db scheme?)


loadTodoChallenges fetches challenges from db into the toProcessChallenge channel

challengeProcessor processes challenges, runs in num_workers workers. Depending on challenge state it is processed differently, accepted processed in validateOnValidators first, then accepted and processed both processed in commitOnChain


In validate on validators several entities are loaded from db first, then challenge data is created and sent to the validators

	loads tickets
	locks allocation for data loading 
	loads tickets
	loads reference
	send challenge data to all validators
        get ValidationTicket in response
type ValidationTicket struct {
	ChallengeID  string           `json:"challenge_id"`
	BlobberID    string           `json:"blobber_id"`
	ValidatorID  string           `json:"validator_id"`
	ValidatorKey string           `json:"validator_key"`
	Result       bool             `json:"success"`
	Message      string           `json:"message"`
	MessageCode  string           `json:"message_code"`
	Timestamp    common.Timestamp `json:"timestamp"`
	Signature    string           `json:"signature"`


Blobber submits transactions challenge_response to blockchain with following data

type ChallengeResponse struct {
	ChallengeID       string              `json:"challenge_id"`
	ValidationTickets []*ValidationTicket `json:"validation_tickets"`