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hm90121 edited this page Jul 15, 2021 · 1 revision


Unit tests

Test in docker container.

From 0chain project root execute the following command to run unit-tests


Time unit.

The Storage SC has time_unit configuration. Once applied it can't be changed then (excluding blockchain full reset case, that works). All write prices is measured in tokens / GB / time_unit. E.g. tokens for size for some duration.

If user creates allocation for, say, 4 days. And uploads a file. Then the file is uploaded for 4 days (rest of the allocation). If user deletes the file, then part of tokens moved back to the user (to one of his write pools).

If time_unit configured as 48h, then for a write_price 1 tok / GB / time_unit the user pays 2 tok (4 days = 2 * 48h). That's all.

The time_unit configured in sc.yaml in storagesc part. It can be given by REST API as other SC configurations.



1. Blobber: send transaction -> registration


  • capacity bytes
  • min_lock_demand [0; 1]
  • write_price tok / GB
  • read_price tok / GB (by 64 KB chunks)
  • max_offer_duration time.Duration
  • challenge_completion_time time.Duration
  • delegate_wallet string

The transaction also updates blobber's 'last health check' making it healthy.

2. SC: check capacity, the registration transaction handling

Zero capacity

There is special case where capacity is 0 -> remove blobber from SC. For case, where blobber doesn't provide its service anymore. Thus the blobber will not be selected by SC for users' requests. But the blobber still should provide its service for all its opened offers (allocations). This allocations can't be extended by size or expiration time but can be reduced.

Non zero capacity

Validate blobber terms.

SC has configured max value for blobebrs' min_lock_demand. Min value for max_offer_duration. Max value for challenge_completion_time.

Blobber already registered. Update blobber

Check required capacity stake, lock more tokens if missing. Or release some tokens if overfill.

required_stake = (capacity / GB) * write_price
difference = stake_pool_tokens - required_stake
Blobber not registered or has removed

Create related stake pool. Lock required tokens.

required_stake = (capacity / GB) * write_price



1. Create wallet

User creates wallet by zwalelt or zbox.

2. Create read pool

Zwallet or zbox creates read pool creating wallet. If the wallet created a long time ago, or read pool creating fails for a reason, then user can create read pool manually. Otherwise, the user can't use storage SC to create an allocation.

Create allocation

1. Send request transaction


  • read_price range

  • write_price range

  • allocation size

  • allocation expiration time

  • preferred blobbers, optional

  • data shards

  • parity shards

  • number or tokens to lock

2. SC select blobbers for the ranges

  • get all (or preferred) blobbers, filters them by provided values (regardless number of tokens) and selects random of them
  • determine required number of tokens
  • create related challenge pool (not implemented yet)
  • determine overall challenge_completion_time that is max challenge_completion_time of all blobbers selected
  • determine overall min lock demand
  • create related write pool (expiration + the challenge_completion_time)
  • fill the write pool with all provided tokens; if user provides less tokens then transaction fails; if user provides more tokens, then all the tokens locked in the write pool
  • add info about this allocation to blobbers' stake pools
  • add info about blobbers' size used

So, on success, we have

  • allocation_id
  • list of blobbers (specific random order)
    • blobber id
    • size used by this allocations
    • terms of the blobber
  • user_id
  • allocation size
  • challenge completion time (maximum, for the write and challenge pools)
  • expiration
  • overall min lock demand

Update allocation

Only size or expiration of allocation can be changed. If one of values is increased, then it's about extending, even if one another is reduced.

If size or expiration reduced, then it's about reducing. In this case we are using the same terms. In extending, we are using new terms regarding blobbers.

In this request user provides difference for expiration and difference for size. E.g. +/- some time, and +/- some size.

Extend allocation

  1. Get related blobbers
  2. Get new terms of them, update in allocation
  3. Calculate new min lock demand
  4. Calculate new challenge_completion_time
  5. Lock more user's tokens if required
  6. Update expiration of write pool
  7. Update information about capacity used in blobbers
  8. Update information about capacity used in blobbers' stake pools

If a blobber doesn't have enough capacity, then it fails. Same, if user's write pool (+ this extending request) doesn't have enough tokens to extend.

Also, allocation can't be extended wide then max_offer_duration of a blobber from time of this extending transaction.

Terms used for extended allocation calculated using existing allocation terms and new terms of blobbers (if related blobbers changes their terms) using weighted average. Where weight is size*period. For example

  1. create allocation for 2 days
  2. after 1 day, extend it for 3 days
|    1 day    |    2 day    |    3 day    |
[<----create allocation---->]
             [<-----extend allocation---->]

Thus 1st weight is (2days * size) and second weight is (1day * size). E.g. weight for extension is for the 3rd day only.

Reduce allocation. Close allocation.

The same terms used.

  1. Get related blobbers
  2. Update expiration of write pool if expiration changed
  3. Update information about capacity used in blobbers, if released
  4. Update information about capacity used in blobbers' stake pools, if released

If user reduces expiration time making in expired, then it closes allocation and allocation will be active challenge_completion_time and closed then.

User can't extend size and close allocation. Such transactions are invalid.

A size reducing doesn't reduce min_lock_demand to prevent the salvation attack.

Cancel allocation.

If blobbers doesn't work in reality, then an allocation can't be used. Allocation owner can perform cancel_allocation transaction to close the allocation and return back all funds. In this case, blobbers doesn't receive their min_lock_demand.

Finalize allocation.

When allocation expired, it should be finalized. Blobbers runs the finalization automatically. And user doesn't need to do anything. But, if blobbers doesn't do it, then user (allocation owner) can perform finalize_allocation transaction. The transaction:

  • makes sure all blobbers got their min_lock_demand (excluding penalty)
  • unlocks all tokens in write pool, moving them back to user
  • moves all tokens of a challenge pool to user, if any
  • marks allocation a finalized



  1. clean blockchain
  2. clean blobbers
  3. rebuild all applications: zboxcli, zwallet, blobbers, sharder, miners
  4. start sharder
  5. start miners
  6. remove wallet.json and allocation.txt
  7. configure blobbers (remember capacity, write_price, id)
  8. create new wallet (zwallet), it creates read pool automatically
  9. add some tokens to the wallet (./zwallet faucet --methodName pour --input “{Pay day}”)
  10. find out your wallet ID
    cat ~/.zcn/wallet.json
    The client_id is the wallet ID.
  11. configure blobbers and validators (since they use the same stake pool for rewards) making your wallet their delegate_wallet. E.g. edit
    in blobbers repository and add/set delegate_wallet setting to you wallet ID.
  12. start the blobbers and validators
  13. make a stake for the blobbers to allow them accept allocations
    ./zbox sp-lock --blobber_id f65af5d64000c7cd2883f4910eb69086f9d6e6635c744e62afcfab58b938ee25 --tokens 10
    ./zbox sp-lock --blobber_id 7a90e6790bcd3d78422d7a230390edc102870fe58c15472073922024985b1c7d --tokens 10
  14. create new allocation providing tokens to write pool
  15. check out write_pool
  16. check out blobbers stake pools
  17. etc, see below for example

Step by step

Note: some commands implemented in zbox , since they belongs to storage SC. Feel free to use these zbox command.


  1. Start Sharder. Wait it. Start miners. Wait blockchain starts.

  2. Create wallet, read pool, get some tokens

    for run in {1..20}
        ./zwallet faucet --methodName pour --input “{Pay day}”

    This command does it all.

  3. Configure blobbers and validators setting them own wallet as delegate_wallet. Use cat ~/.zcn/wallet.json and use client_id field that is the wallet ID and set it to 'delegate_wallet' setting of blobbers and validators. Since, blobbers and validators uses the same delegate_wallets for rewards the first registered will be used. E.g. it's important to set the delegate_wallet for validators, because they registers fist as rule. Example blobber configurations

    # [configurations above]
    # for testing
    #  500 MB - 536870912
    #    1 GB - 1073741824
    #    2 GB - 2147483648
    #    3 GB - 3221225472
    capacity: 1073741824 # 1 GB bytes total blobber capacity
    read_price: 0.01     # token / GB for reading
    write_price: 1.00    # token / GB for writing
    # min_lock_demand is value in [0; 1] range; it represents number of tokens the
    # blobber earned even if a user will not read or write something
    # to an allocation; the number of tokens will be calculated by the following
    # formula
    #     allocation_size * write_price * min_lock_demand
    min_lock_demand: 0.1
    # max_offer_duration restrict long contacts where,
    # in the future, prices can be changed
    max_offer_duration: 744h # 31 day
    challenge_completion_time: 1m # 15m # duration to complete a challenge
    # delegate wallet for all rewards, if it's empty, then blobber ID used
    delegate_wallet: 'b145bf241eab00c9865a3551b18028a6d12b3ef84df8b4a5c317c8d184a82412'
  4. Start blobbers (if not started yet) and export their IDs to use later.

    export BLOBBER1=f65af5d64000c7cd2883f4910eb69086f9d6e6635c744e62afcfab58b938ee25
    export BLOBBER2=7a90e6790bcd3d78422d7a230390edc102870fe58c15472073922024985b1c7d
  5. Wait some time and make sure the blobbers has registered in the storage SC:

    ./zbox ls-blobbers
  6. Add tokens to the stake pools of the blobber to allow them to accept allocations.

    ./zbox sp-lock --blobber_id $BLOBBER1 --tokens 2
    ./zbox sp-lock --blobber_id $BLOBBER2 --tokens 2
  7. Check out stake pools of the blobbers. They should contains required stake.

    ./zbox sp-info --blobber_id $BLOBBER1
    ./zbox sp-info --blobber_id $BLOBBER2

    For example

    pool_id: a7782f5a4a68a242c8dbb163a72ae1f65d3db8b35e017439b265edcf969935a1
    balance: 12
      free:        120.0 GiB (for current write price)
      capacity:    1.0 GiB (blobber bid)
      write_price: 0.1 (blobber write price)
    offers: no opened offers
    - id:          860703e3c21b6b0e60a00894ea5ac8d4150874118f5462995cce80d0e9510264
      balance:     10
      delegate_id: b145bf241eab00c9865a3551b18028a6d12b3ef84df8b4a5c317c8d184a82412
      earnings:    2 (payed interests for the delegate pool)
      penalty:     0 (penalty for the delegate pool)
      interests:   2 (interests not payed yet, can be given by 'sp-pay-interests' command)
    - id:          f50cf63bed2c89c5b4328bd429a93d087a354a6d8b792aa237ee760bcd003236
      balance:     1
      delegate_id: b145bf241eab00c9865a3551b18028a6d12b3ef84df8b4a5c317c8d184a82412
      earnings:    0.1 (payed interests for the delegate pool)
      penalty:     0 (penalty for the delegate pool)
      interests:   0.1 (interests not payed yet, can be given by 'sp-pay-interests' command)
    - id:          f68d7aa17e649cbb65c5c6a021d06b3021f88b6301adc556add5ad16b719fc11
      balance:     1
      delegate_id: b145bf241eab00c9865a3551b18028a6d12b3ef84df8b4a5c317c8d184a82412
      earnings:    0 (payed interests for the delegate pool)
      penalty:     0 (penalty for the delegate pool)
      interests:   0.1 (interests not payed yet, can be given by 'sp-pay-interests' command)
    earnings: 2.1 (total interests earnings for all delegate pools for all time)
    penalty: 0 (total blobber penalty for all time)
    rewards: (excluding interests)
      balance:   0 (current rewards can be unlocked)
      blobber:   0 (for all time)
      validator: 0 (for all time)

    This fields

    free:        120.0 GiB (for current write price)
    capacity:    1.0 GiB (blobber bid)
    write_price: 0.1 (blobber write price)

    The 'free' is staked capacity for current write price. A blobber can change its write price anytime and it will be changed. Even if the 'free' capacity is 100GB a blobber can't allocate more then its capacity bid. For example, if a blobber has zero write_price it can't allocate infinity. Thus a blobber can provide min (free, bid) for current time and terms.

  8. Create and fund two new allocations.

    ./zbox newallocation --read_price 0.001-10 --write_price 0.01-10 --size 104857600 --lock 2 --data 1 --parity 1 --expire 48h
    ./zbox newallocation --read_price 0.001-10 --write_price 0.01-10 --size 104857600 --lock 2 --data 1 --parity 1 --expire 48h

    Export their IDs to use later.

    export ALLOC1=<put allocation 1 ID here>
    export ALLOC2=<put allocation 2 ID here>
  9. Check out user's allocations list.

    ./zbox listallocations
  10. Check out allocations independently.

    ./zbox get --allocation $ALLOC1
    ./zbox get --allocation $ALLOC2
  11. Check out stake pools again, that should have offers for these allocations

    ./zbox sp-info --blobber_id $BLOBBER1
    ./zbox sp-info --blobber_id $BLOBBER2
  12. Check out write pools of the allocations.

    ./zbox wp-info --allocation $ALLOC1
    ./zbox wp-info --allocation $ALLOC2
  13. Update the first allocation, increasing its size. We don't provide more tokens, since related write pool already has enough tokens for the updating.

    ./zbox updateallocation --allocation $ALLOC1 --size 209715200
  14. Check out its write pool again. Shouldn't be changed.

    ./zbox wp-info --allocation $ALLOC1
  15. Check out blobbers offers again.

    ./zbox sp-info --blobber_id $BLOBBER1
    ./zbox sp-info --blobber_id $BLOBBER2
  16. Generate random file to upload

    head -c 20M < /dev/urandom > random.bin
  17. Upload it to the first allocations.

    ./zbox upload \
      --allocation $ALLOC1 \
      --commit \
      --localpath=random.bin \
  18. Check out uploaded list

    ./zbox list --allocation $ALLOC1 --remotepath /remote
  19. Check out related challenge and write pools after blobbers commit their write markers in SC.

    ./zbox cp-info --allocation $ALLOC1
    ./zbox wp-info --allocation $ALLOC1
  20. Wait a challenge some time. Check challenge pool again.

  21. Check out blobbers stake pools to see filling with rewards

    ./zbox sp-info --blobber_id $BLOBBER1
    ./zbox sp-info --blobber_id $BLOBBER2
  22. Delete the file

    ./zbox delete --allocation $ALLOC1 --remotepath /remote/random.bin
  23. Generate and upload another file.

    head -c 50M < /dev/urandom > random.bin
    ./zbox upload \
      --allocation $ALLOC1 \
      --commit \
      --localpath=random.bin \
  24. Check out uploaded list

    ./zbox list --allocation $ALLOC1 --remotepath /remote
  25. Check out related challenge and write pool after blobbers commit their write markers in SC.

    ./zbox cp-info --allocation $ALLOC1
    ./zbox wp-info --allocation $ALLOC1
  26. Commit some tokens to a read pool.

    ./zbox rp-lock --allocation $ALLOC1 --duration 1h --tokens 1
  27. Check out locked tokens in the read pool.

    ./zbox rp-info --allocation $ALLOC1
  28. Download the file.

    rm -f got.bin
    ./zbox download --allocation $ALLOC1 --localpath=got.bin \
        --remotepath /remote/random.bin
  29. Make the allocation expired.

    ./zbox updateallocation --allocation $ALLOC1 --expiry -48h
    ./zbox get --allocation $ALLOC1

    Wait 'Challenge Completion Time' from response and finalize the allocation.

    ./zbox alloc-fini --allocation $ALLOC1

    And check all related pools (excluding read pool)

    ./zbox cp-info --allocation $ALLOC1
    ./zbox wp-info --allocation $ALLOC1

    Blobbers finalizes allocations automatically by some interval (see blobber configurations 'update_allocations_interval'). And in this case, the alloc-fini can fail with 'allocation already finalized'.

  30. Cancel second allocation.

    head -c 50M < /dev/urandom > random.bin
    ./zbox upload                        \
        --allocation $ALLOC2             \
        --commit                         \
        --localpath=random.bin           \

    Then shutdown blobbers to make them fail their challenges for the new uploaded file. It's not 100% guaranteed that the blobber receive a challenge requests, since challenges generation based on some randomization. Wait challenge completion time (use ./zbox get --allocation $ALLOC2). All generated challenges will be failed (due to time). Check out allocation object.

    ./zbox get --allocation $ALLOC2

    Make sure total challenges reaches failed_challenges_to_cancel configured in sc.yaml ('stroagesc'). Since, blobbers is down after the challenge_completion_time all the challenges are failed. But the filed_challenges field will be zero, because blobber doesn't send a challenge (the failed_challenges is where a blobber sends a failed challenge, there is mechanism for challenges expired for a case blobber is down).

    ./zbox alloc-cancel --allocation $ALLOC2


    ./zbox get --allocation $ALLOC2

    should show

    finalized:                 true
    canceled:                  true
  31. Unlock read pool tokens

    ./zbox rp-info

    Use pool id in next command, but, make sure the pool has expired, wait otherwise. It's duration is 1 hour. The min allowed duration can be configured for BC in sc.yaml 'stroaagesc'.

    ./zbox rp-unlock --pool_id <POOL_ID>
  32. Check out blobbers. Should not have allocated space.

    ./zbox ls-blobbers
  33. Check out your wallet balance

    ./zwallet getbalance
  34. Since, your wallet was configured and delegate_wallet for the blobbers, then it should have rewards, and interests

    ./zbox sp-take-rewards --blobber_id $BLOBBER1
    ./zbox sp-take-rewards --blobber_id $BLOBBER2

Client specific API

Use ./zbox sp-user-info to get all stake pools of current user.

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