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Writing preloader patchers

Geoffrey Horsington edited this page Jun 26, 2021 · 13 revisions

These docs are for BepInEx 4 and thus might be out-of-date!
Documentation is currently being updated for BepInEx 5.
For the latest documentation, refer to the new BepInEx docs page.


As of version 4.0, BepInEx allows to write preload-time patchers that modify assemblies before the game loads them.
While most plug-ins can use Harmony to do runtime patching, using preload-time patchers provides more fine control over how the assembly is patched.

It is still recommended that you use Harmony wherever possible because Harmony makes sure all patches are compatible with each other. Use Mono.Cecil only if something cannot be done by Harmony (more info below).

Difference from runtime patchers

Because preload-time patchers are run before the assemblies are loaded into memory, the patchers have more fine-grained control over how to modify the assemblies.

Feature Preload-time patcher Runtime patcher
Used library Mono.Cecil Harmony
Used contract Written in a separate DLL, uses a special contract Written in plug-in DLL, uses Harmony's API
Application time Applied on raw assemblies before the game initializes Applied on assemblies already loaded in memory
Can apply hooks Yes Yes, as long as the target is not inlined by JIT
Can rewrite methods' IL Yes Yes
Can modify field/method propeties Everything Partially
Can add new classes, methods and fields Yes No
Can replace assemblies Yes No

Thus, use preload-time patchers only if you must modify the structure of the assembly. For hooking methods use Harmony.


Preloader-time patching comes with its own caveats! Refer to the notes below for more information.

Writing a patcher


Assuming you know how to use an IDE of your choice, you will need to

  • Create an assembly (DLL) project targeting .NET 3.5
  • Remove references to all unused imports
  • Add a reference to Mono.Cecil 0.10 (you can get it on NuGet, for instance, or use the one prepackaged with BepInEx)
  • Add one or more patcher classes (example below)

Patcher contract

BepInEx considers a patcher any class that has the following members:

  • Property public static IEnumerable<string> TargetDLLs { get; } that contains a list of assembly names (including the extension).
  • Method public static void Patch(AssemblyDefinition assembly) that applies the changes to the assembly itself.

Here is an example of a valid patcher:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using Mono.Cecil;

public static class Patcher
    // List of assemblies to patch
    public static IEnumerable<string> TargetDLLs { get; } = new[] {"Assembly-CSharp.dll"};

    // Patches the assemblies
    public static void Patch(AssemblyDefinition assembly)
        // Patcher code here

Specifying target DLLs

To specify which assemblies are to be patched, create a public static IEnumerable<string> TargetDLLs getter property.

Note that TargetDLLs is enumerated during patching, not before. That means the following enumerator is valid:

public static IEnumerable<string> TargetDLLs => GetDLLs();

public static IEnumerable<string> GetDLLs()
    // Do something before patching Assembly-CSharp.dll

    yield return "Assembly-CSharp.dll";

    // Do something after Assembly-CSharp has been patched, and before UnityEngine.dll has been patched

    yield return "UnityEngine.dll";

    // Do something after patching is done

Patch method

A valid patcher method has one of the following signatures:

public static void Patch(AssemblyDefinition assembly);
public static void Patch(ref AssemblyDefinition assembly);

In the latter case, the reference to the AssemblyDefinition is passed. That means it is possible to fully swap an assembly for a different one.

Patcher initialiser and finaliser

In addition, the patchers are allowed to have the following methods:

// Called before patching occurs
public static void Initialize();

// Called after current patcher is done
public static void Finish();


BepInEx allows to either use the Standard Output (provided through Console class) or -- more fittingly -- the methods provided by System.Diagnostics.Trace class.

It is recommended to use Trace in the preload-time patcher, since it provides more powerful logging capabilities than other classes, and it does not create unnecessary dependencies on BepInEx.

Deploying and using

Build the project as a separate DLL from the plug-in. Place the DLL in BepInEx/patchers and run the game.

Notes and tips

  • Do not reference any DLLs that you will want to patch! Doing so will load them into memory prematurely, which will make patching impossible!
  • Do not mix plug-in DLL with patcher DLL! Plugins often reference assemblies that must be patched, which will cause the assemblies to be loaded prematurely.
  • You cannot patch mscorlib.dll. In addition,the following assemblies cannot be patched or replaced (BepInEx 4.0): System.dll, System.Core.dll. Either use Harmony or edit these assemblies permanently.
  • Because TargetDLLs is iterated only once, you can do initialization work there (i.e. reading a configuration file). Note that you don't have to specify the target DLLs on compile time:
    public static IEnumerable<string> TargetDLLs 
            // Do whatever pre-patcher work...
            string[] assemblies = // Get asseblies dynamically (i.e from configuration file);
            return assemblies;
  • When you specify many target DLLs, you can change patching behaviour by checking the assembly's name:
    public static void Patch(AssemblyDefinition assembly)
        if (assembly.Name.Name == "Assembly-CSharp")
            // The assembly is Assembly-CSharp.dll
        else if (assembly.Name.Name == "UnityEngine")
            // The assembly is UnityEngine.dll
  • You can use Config class provided by BepInEx to read and save configuration options.