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Geoffrey Horsington edited this page Jun 26, 2021 · 14 revisions

These docs are for BepInEx 4 and thus might be out-of-date!
Documentation is currently being updated for BepInEx 5.
For the latest documentation, refer to the new BepInEx docs page.

Migration from previous versions of BepInEx

To migrate from a previous version of BepInEx, do the following:

  1. Delete UnityEngine.dll, 0Harmony.dll and BepInEx.dll from the *_Data\Managed folder for your game
  • IMPORTANT: Check all game folders for their respective Managed folders. BepInEx 3 creates the aforementioned files for each valid Unity executable it finds, which means that you may have to repeat this process multiple times.
  1. Rename UnityEngine.dll.bak to UnityEngine.dll
  2. Delete BepInEx.Patcher.exe from the game's root folder.
  3. Delete your config.ini file in your BepInEx folder
  4. Install BepInEx 4 normally

Migrating from Sybaris 2.x

  1. Delete all occurences of the following DLLs in the game's folder:
    • ExIni.dll
    • UnityInjector.dll
    • Mono.Cecil.dll
    • Sybaris.Loader.dll
    • COM3D2.UnityInjector.Patcher (and other UnityInjector patchers)
    • opengl32.dll
      Use Windows' search tool if you cannot find those.
  2. Install BepInEx 4 normally
  3. Download and install UnityInjectorLoader and SybarisLoader to enable UnityInjector and Sybaris compatibility