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Geoffrey Horsington edited this page Jun 26, 2021 · 9 revisions

These docs are for BepInEx 4 and thus might be out-of-date!
Documentation is currently being updated for BepInEx 5.
For the latest documentation, refer to the new BepInEx docs page.

Configuration file

On its first launch, BepInEx creates config.ini file into BepInEx folder. This file is used to configure various aspects of BepInEx and the plug-ins.

BepInEx provides only the most basic single-file configuration capability via Config class.
If you want a separate configuration file for your own plug-in, make your own configuration file parser.

Below is the listing of all BepInEx configuration options.


BepInEx section

This section contains options related to logging.


Default: false

Specifies whether to open the console on game start. BepInEx (and some Unity games) writes all log messages into the console. Recommended to enable.


Default: false

If enabled, changes the codepage of the console to that of Shift-JIS. This is useful if the game outputs messages with Japanese characters into the console.

If disabled, the codepage will be UTF-8.


Default: false

If enabled, BepInEx will create preloader_xxx_xxx.log on every game launch. The log will contain debug information from the preloader phase.

If disabled, BepInEx will create the log only when an error occurs during preloader phase.


Default: Info

Specifies the maximum severity of the log message to be displayed in BepInEx's console.

Possible values:

Value Level Purpose
None 0 Disables all log messages
Fatal 1 Errors which cannot be recovered from; the game cannot continue to run
Error 2 Errors are recoverable from; the game can be run, albeit with further errors
Warning 4 Messages that signify an anomaly that is not an error
Message 8 Important messages that should be displayed
Info 16 Messages of low importance
Debug 32 Messages intended for developers

Setting value with a higher level will also display messages with a lower level.


Default: false

If enabled, BepInEx will display log messages coming from Unity's own logger. This is useful if the game uses the Unity logger a lot.

Preloader section

This section controls how BepInEx preloader functions. This section is intended mainly for developers or for those who want to setup BepInEx to work with a particular game.

For more information, refer to porting guide


Default: UnityEngine.dll

Specifies the name of the assembly found in Managed folder into which BepInEx should insert its entrypoint.


Default: Application

Specifies the type found within entrypoint-assembly where BepInEx should insert its entrypoint.

Note that you only need to specify type's basic name; no fully qualified name is needed.


Default: .cctor

Specifies the method to patch BepInEx entrypoint into.


Default: false

If enabled, BepInEx will save patched assemblies into BepInEx/DumpedAssemblies.
This can be used by developers to inspect and debug preloader patchers.