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The index factory

Matthijs Douze edited this page Oct 9, 2020 · 34 revisions

The index_factory function interprets a string to produce a composite Faiss index. The string is a comma-separated list of components. It is intended to facilitate the construction of index structures, especially if they are nested. The index_factory argument typically includes a preprocessing component, and inverted file and an encoding component. This page summarizes the index_factory components and arguments.


index = index_factory(128, "PCA80,Flat"): produces an index for 128D vectors that reduces them to 80D by PCA then does exhaustive search.

index = index_factory(128, "OPQ16_64,IMI2x8,PQ8+16"): takes 128D vectors, applies an OPQ transform to 16 blocks in 64D, uses an inverted multi-index of 2x8 bits (= 65536 inverted lists), and refines with a PQ of size 8, then 16 bytes.

The numbers we indicate are examples, and d is the input dimension.


String Class name Comments
IDMap IndexIDMap Used to enable add_with_ids on indexes that do not support it, mainly the flat indexes.

Vector transforms

These strings map to VectorTransform objects that can be applied on vectors before they are indexed

String Class name Output dimension Comments
PCA64, PCAR64, PCAW64, PCAWR64 PCAMatrix 64 Applies a PCA transform to reduce the number of dimensions. W = follow with whitening, R = follow with random rotation. The PCAR is especially useful as pre-processing with a Flat or scalar quantizer.
OPQ16, OPQ16_64 OPQMatrix d, 64 Rotates the vectors so that they can be encoded efficiently by a PQ to 16 subvectors. 64 is the output dimension, because it is often beneficial to also reduce the number of dimensions. If the output dimensions not specified, it is the same as the input dimension.
RR64 RandomRotation 64 Random rotation on the input data. The dimension can increase or decrease wrt. the input
L2norm NormalizationTransform d L2-normalizes the input vectors
ITQ256, ITQ ITQMatrix 256, d Applies an ITQ transformation to the input vectors, see "Iterative quantization: A procrustean approach to learning binary codes for large-scale image retrieval" by Gong et al.. This is useful when the vectors are encoded with LSH.
Pad128 RemapDimensionsTransform 128 Pad the input vectors with 0s to 128 dim

Non-exhaustive search components

Inverted files all inherit from IndexIVF. The non-exhaustive component specifies what the coarse quantizer (first parameter of the constructor) should be.

String Quantizer class Number of centroids Comments
IVF4096 IndexFlatL2 or IndexFlatIP 4096 Constructs one of the IndexIVF variants, with a flat quantizer.
IMI2x9 MultiIndexQuantizer 2^(2 * 9) = 262144 Constructs an IVF with many more centroids, possibly more balanced.
IVF65536_HNSW32 IndexHNSWFlat 65536 The quantizer is trained as a flat index but indexed with a HNSW. This makes quantization a lot faster

HNSW indexes inherit from IndexHNSW. The IndexHNSW relies on a flat storage that stores the actual vectors. Memory overheads:

  • In HNSW32, 32 encodes the number of links, the lowest level that uses most memory has 32 * 2 links, or 32 * 2 * 4 = 256 bytes per vector.

  • For the IVF and IMI indexes, the main overhead is that the 64-bit id of each vector is stored as well (ie. an overhead of 8 bytes per vector)

String Storage class Comment
HNSW32 IndexFlatL2 Arguably the most useful HNSW variant, because when the links are stored, it does not make much sense to compress the vectors.
HNSW32_SQ8 IndexScalarQuantizer SQ8 scalar quantizer
HNSW32_PQ12 IndexPQ PQ12x8 index
HNSW32_16384+PQ12 Index2Layer 1st layer is a flat index, the PQ encodes the residual of the quantizer
HNSW32_2x10+PQ12 Index2Layer 1st layer is an IMI index, the PQ encodes the residual of the quantizer


String Class name (Flat/IVF) code size (bytes) Comments
Flat IndexFlat, IndexIVFFlat 4 * d The vectors are stored as is, without any encoding
PQ16, PQ16x12 IndexPQ, IndexIVFPQ 16, ceil(16 * 12 / 8) Uses Product Quantization codes with 16 codes of 12 bits each. When the number of bits is omitted, it is set to 8 (IndexIVFPQ supports only 8-bit encodings. With suffix "np" does not train the Polysemous permutation, which can be slow.
SQ4, SQ8, SQ6, SQfp16 IndexScalar Quantizer, IndexIVF ScalarQuantizer 4*d/8, d, 6*d/8, d*2 Scalar quantizer encoding
Residual128, Residual3x10 Index2Layer ceil(log2(128) / 8), ceil(3*10 / 8) Residual encoding. Quantizes the vectors into 128 centroids or 3x10 MI centroids. Should be followed by PQ or SQ to actually encode the residual. Only for use as a codec.
ZnLattice3x10_6 IndexLattice ceil((3*log2(C(d/3, 10)) + 6) / 8) Lattice codec. The vector is first split into 3 segments, then each segment is encoded as its norm (6 bits) and as a direction on the unit sphere in dimension d/3, quantized by the Zn lattice of radius^2 = 10. C(dim, r2) is the number of points on the sphere of radius sqrt(r2) that have integer coordinates (see here for more details).
LSH, LSHrt, LSHr, LSHt IndexLSH ceil(d / 8) Binarizes the vectors by thresholding them. At search time, the query vectors are also binarized (symmetric search). Suffix r = rotate vectors prior to binarization, t = train thresholds to balance 0s and 1s. Useful in combination with ITQ.


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