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Mesh Input And Output

Jean-Paul Pelteret edited this page Oct 25, 2016 · 10 revisions

A little script to illustrate exchanging data with Cubit


The following cubit journal file (Actually a python script) exports the current mesh and boundary conditions from cubit to a file "output.ucd" in the current directory.

This is a modification of the original script that takes into account boundary ids via sidesets ids. If you want to save the boundary faces as well, you just need to add the relevant surfaces in 3d or curves in 2d to a sideset, and the id will be the one of the sideset.

# This script will output whatever mesh you have currently in CUBIT
# in the AVS UCD format. (
# You may need to tweak it to get exactly what you want out of
# it.  Your mileage may vary.

# set the filename -- you may need the entire path
outucdfile = "output.inp"

outfile = open(outucdfile,"w")

cubit.cmd("body all rotate -90 about y")
cubit.cmd("body all reflect x")

# ============================================================
# Collect all the nodes
# ============================================================
group_id = cubit.get_id_from_name("temp_bc_curves")
if group_id != 0:
  cubit.cmd("delete group " + str(group_id))
cubit.cmd("group 'temp_nodes' add node all")
group_id = cubit.get_id_from_name("temp_nodes")
node_list = cubit.get_group_nodes(group_id)
cubit.cmd("delete group " + str(group_id))
n_nodes = len(node_list)

# ============================================================
# Collect all the hex
# ============================================================
group_id = cubit.get_id_from_name("temp_hexes")
if group_id != 0:
  cubit.cmd("delete group " + str(group_id))
cubit.cmd("group 'temp_hexes' add hex all")
group_id = cubit.get_id_from_name("temp_hexes")
hex_list = cubit.get_group_hexes(group_id)
cubit.cmd("delete group " + str(group_id))
n_hex_cells = len(hex_list)

# ============================================================ 
# Now the boundary conditions in 3d
# ============================================================
bc_surfaces = {}
n_bc_quads = 0

bc_ids = cubit.get_sideset_id_list()
for bc_id in bc_ids :
  bc_surfaces[= cubit.get_sideset_surfaces(bc_id)
  for bc_surface in  bc_surfaces[bc_id](bc_id]):
    bc_quads = cubit.get_surface_quads(bc_surface)
    n_bc_quads += len(bc_quads)

# ============================================================ 
# Collect all the surfaces. Notice that the surfaces that make up a
# volume are not grouped here. This is only for 2d objects, i.e.,
# when the number n_hex_cells is zero.
# ============================================================
surface_list = ()
quad_cell_list = {}
n_quad_cells = 0
if n_hex_cells == 0:
  group_id = cubit.get_id_from_name("temp_surfs")
  if group_id != 0:
    cubit.cmd("delete group " + str(group_id))
  cubit.cmd("group 'temp_surfs' add surf all")
  group_id = cubit.get_id_from_name("temp_surfs")
  surface_list = cubit.get_group_surfaces(group_id)
  cubit.cmd("delete group " + str(group_id))
  for surface_id in surface_list:
    quad_cell_list[= cubit.get_surface_quads(surface_id)
    n_quad_cells +=  len(quad_cell_list[surface_id](surface_id]))

# ============================================================ 
# Now the boundary conditions in 2d
# ============================================================
bc_curves = {}
bc_edges = {}
n_bc_edges = 0
if n_hex_cells == 0:
  bc_ids = cubit.get_sideset_id_list()
  for bc_id in bc_ids :
    bc_curves[= cubit.get_sideset_curves(bc_id)
    group_id = cubit.get_id_from_name("temp_bc_curves")
    if group_id != 0:
      cubit.cmd("delete group " + str(group_id))
    for bc_curve in bc_curves[bc_id](bc_id]):
      cubit.cmd("group 'temp_bc_curves' add edge all in curve " + str(bc_curve))
    group_id = cubit.get_id_from_name("temp_bc_curves")
    bc_edges[= cubit.get_group_edges(group_id)
    cubit.cmd("delete group " + str(group_id))
    n_bc_edges +=  len(bc_edges[bc_id](bc_id]))

print 'Edges: ' + str(n_bc_edges)

# ============================================================
# Now we write the header.
# ============================================================
n_elements = n_hex_cells + n_bc_quads + n_quad_cells + n_bc_edges
outfile.write(str(n_nodes) + " " + str(n_elements) + " 0 0 0\n")

# ============================================================
# The node list.
# ============================================================
for node_num in node_list:
   outfile.write(str(node_num ))
   node_coord = cubit.get_nodal_coordinates(node_num)
   if abs(node_coord[outfile.write("0 ")
   else	:
       outfile.write(str(node_coord[2](2])<1e-15:)) + " ")
   if abs(node_coord[outfile.write("0 ")
   else	:
       outfile.write(str(node_coord[1](1])<1e-15:)) + " ")
   if abs(node_coord[outfile.write("0")
   else	:

# ============================================================
# The hex list. 3d
# ============================================================
k = 1
for hex_num in hex_list:
   outfile.write(str(k) + " 0 " + " hex  ")
   k += 1
   hex_nodes = cubit.get_connectivity("Hex", hex_num)
   i = 0
   while i < 8:
      outfile.write(str(hex_nodes[+ " ")
      i += 1

# ============================================================
# The quads on the boundaries. 3d
# Note that the boundary id is given by the sideset id.
# ============================================================
if n_hex_cells != 0:
  for bc_id in bc_ids:
    for bc_surface in  bc_surfaces[bc_id](i])):
      bc_quads = cubit.get_surface_quads(bc_surface)
      for quad_num in bc_quads:
        k += 1
        outfile.write(" " + str(bc_id) + " quad ")
        quad_nodes = cubit.get_connectivity("Quad", quad_num)
        outfile.write(str(quad_nodes[+ " ")
        outfile.write(str(quad_nodes[3](0]))) + " ")
        outfile.write(str(quad_nodes[+ " ")

# ============================================================
# The quads on the surfaces. 2d
# ============================================================
if n_hex_cells == 0:
  k = 1
  for surface_id in surface_list:
    for quad_num in quad_cell_list[outfile.write(str(k))
      k += 1
      outfile.write(" " + str(surface_id) + " quad ")
      quad_nodes = cubit.get_connectivity("Quad", quad_num)
      outfile.write(str(quad_nodes[0](surface_id]:)) + " ")
      outfile.write(str(quad_nodes[+ " ")
      outfile.write(str(quad_nodes[2](3]))) + " ")

# ============================================================
# The edges on the curves. 2d
# Boundary id = sideset_id
# ============================================================
if n_hex_cells == 0:
  for bc_id in bc_ids:
    for edge_num in bc_edges[bc_id](1]))):
      k += 1
      outfile.write(" " + str(bc_id) + " line ")
      edge_nodes = cubit.get_connectivity("Edge", edge_num)
      outfile.write(str(edge_nodes[+ " ")


cubit.cmd("body all reflect x")
cubit.cmd("body all rotate 90 about y")

print str(n_nodes) + " nodes\n"
print str(n_hex_cells) + " hexes\n"
print str(n_quad_cells) + " quads\n"
print str(n_bc_quads) + " face_quads\n"
print str(n_bc_edges) + " edges\n"

In case it is of any use, the initial version of this script is also provided below. This has been verified to work on Cubit v13.2.

# This script will output whatever mesh you have currently in CUBIT
# in the AVS UCD format. (
# You may need to tweak it to get exactly what you want out of
# it.  Your mileage may vary.

# set the filename -- you may need the entire path
outucdfile = "output.inp"

outfile = open(outucdfile,"w")

cubit.cmd("body all rotate -90 about y")
cubit.cmd("body all reflect x")

# ============================================================
# Collect all the nodes
# ============================================================
group_id = cubit.get_id_from_name("temp_bc_curves")
if group_id != 0:
  cubit.cmd("delete group " + str(group_id))
cubit.cmd("group 'temp_nodes' add node all")
group_id = cubit.get_id_from_name("temp_nodes")
node_list = cubit.get_group_nodes(group_id)
cubit.cmd("delete group " + str(group_id))
n_nodes = len(node_list)

# ============================================================
# Collect all the hex
# ============================================================
group_id = cubit.get_id_from_name("temp_hexes")
if group_id != 0:
  cubit.cmd("delete group " + str(group_id))
cubit.cmd("group 'temp_hexes' add hex all")
group_id = cubit.get_id_from_name("temp_hexes")
hex_list = cubit.get_group_hexes(group_id)
cubit.cmd("delete group " + str(group_id))
n_hex_cells = len(hex_list)

# ============================================================
# Now the boundary conditions in 3d
# ============================================================
bc_surfaces = {}
n_bc_quads = 0

bc_ids = cubit.get_sideset_id_list()
for bc_id in bc_ids :
  bc_surfaces[bc_id]    = cubit.get_sideset_surfaces(bc_id)
  for bc_surface in  bc_surfaces[bc_id]:
    bc_quads = cubit.get_surface_quads(bc_surface)
    n_bc_quads += len(bc_quads)

# ============================================================
# Collect all the surfaces. Notice that the surfaces that make up a
# volume are not grouped here. This is only for 2d objects, i.e.,
# when the number n_hex_cells is zero.
# ============================================================
surface_list = ()
quad_cell_list = {}
n_quad_cells = 0
if n_hex_cells == 0:
  group_id = cubit.get_id_from_name("temp_surfs")
  if group_id != 0:
    cubit.cmd("delete group " + str(group_id))
  cubit.cmd("group 'temp_surfs' add surf all")
  group_id = cubit.get_id_from_name("temp_surfs")
  surface_list = cubit.get_group_surfaces(group_id)
  cubit.cmd("delete group " + str(group_id))
  for surface_id in surface_list:
    quad_cell_list[surface_id] = cubit.get_surface_quads(surface_id)
    n_quad_cells +=  len(quad_cell_list[surface_id])

# ============================================================
# Now the boundary conditions in 2d
# ============================================================
bc_curves = {}
bc_edges = {}
n_bc_edges = 0
if n_hex_cells == 0:
  bc_ids = cubit.get_sideset_id_list()
  for bc_id in bc_ids :
    bc_curves[bc_id]    = cubit.get_sideset_curves(bc_id)
    group_id = cubit.get_id_from_name("temp_bc_curves")
    if group_id != 0:
      cubit.cmd("delete group " + str(group_id))
    for bc_curve in bc_curves[bc_id]:
      cubit.cmd("group 'temp_bc_curves' add edge all in curve " + str(bc_curve))
    group_id = cubit.get_id_from_name("temp_bc_curves")
    bc_edges[bc_id] = cubit.get_group_edges(group_id)
    cubit.cmd("delete group " + str(group_id))
    n_bc_edges +=  len(bc_edges[bc_id])

print 'Edges: ' + str(n_bc_edges)

# ============================================================
# Now we write the header.
# ============================================================
n_elements = n_hex_cells + n_bc_quads + n_quad_cells + n_bc_edges
outfile.write(str(n_nodes) + " " + str(n_elements) + " 0 0 0\n")

# ============================================================
# The node list.
# ============================================================
for node_num in node_list:
   outfile.write(str(node_num ))
   node_coord = cubit.get_nodal_coordinates(node_num)
   if abs(node_coord[2])<1e-15:
       outfile.write("0 ")
   else	:
       outfile.write(str(node_coord[2]) + " ")
   if abs(node_coord[1])<1e-15:
       outfile.write("0 ")
   else	:
       outfile.write(str(node_coord[1]) + " ")
   if abs(node_coord[0])<1e-15:
   else	:

# ============================================================
# The hex list. 3d
# ============================================================
k = 1
for hex_num in hex_list:
   outfile.write(str(k) + " 0 " + " hex  ")
   k += 1
   hex_nodes = cubit.get_connectivity("Hex", hex_num)
   i = 0
   while i < 8:
      outfile.write(str(hex_nodes[i]) + " ")
      i += 1

# ============================================================
# The quads on the boundaries. 3d
# Note that the boundary id is given by the sideset id.
# ============================================================
if n_hex_cells != 0:
  for bc_id in bc_ids:
    for bc_surface in  bc_surfaces[bc_id]:
      bc_quads = cubit.get_surface_quads(bc_surface)
      for quad_num in bc_quads:
        k += 1
        outfile.write(" " + str(bc_id) + " quad ")
        quad_nodes = cubit.get_connectivity("Quad", quad_num)
        outfile.write(str(quad_nodes[0]) + " ")
        outfile.write(str(quad_nodes[3]) + " ")
        outfile.write(str(quad_nodes[2]) + " ")

# ============================================================
# The quads on the surfaces. 2d
# ============================================================
if n_hex_cells == 0:
  k = 1
  for surface_id in surface_list:
    for quad_num in quad_cell_list[surface_id]:
      k += 1
      outfile.write(" " + str(surface_id) + " quad ")
      quad_nodes = cubit.get_connectivity("Quad", quad_num)
      outfile.write(str(quad_nodes[0]) + " ")
      outfile.write(str(quad_nodes[3]) + " ")
      outfile.write(str(quad_nodes[2]) + " ")

# ============================================================
# The edges on the curves. 2d
# Boundary id = sideset_id
# ============================================================
if n_hex_cells == 0:
  for bc_id in bc_ids:
    for edge_num in bc_edges[bc_id]:
      k += 1
      outfile.write(" " + str(bc_id) + " line ")
      edge_nodes = cubit.get_connectivity("Edge", edge_num)
      outfile.write(str(edge_nodes[0]) + " ")


cubit.cmd("body all reflect x")
cubit.cmd("body all rotate 90 about y")

print str(n_nodes) + " nodes\n"
print str(n_hex_cells) + " hexes\n"
print str(n_quad_cells) + " quads\n"
print str(n_bc_quads) + " face_quads\n"
print str(n_bc_edges) + " edges\n"