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Marc Fehling edited this page Feb 8, 2023 · 8 revisions

We enforce certain code formatting and prevent other stylistic issues automatically.


deal.II uses clang-format 11.1 to normalize indentation across all source files. clang-format is a program that, like a compiler, reads the lines of code in a file, but then simply prints it out again in a way that uses a common style; for example, it uses a common maximal line length, knows whether or not there should be a space between an if and the opening parenthesis, and so on. The behavior of clang-format s controlled by a style file that is provided at


Running clang-format (see below) will apply formatting automatically to source files, but there are other tasks one often wants to perform around the idea of uniform indentation. As a consequence, the make indent and ./contrib/utilities/indent steps mentioned below also report other potential problems in modified files. As a consequence, you should run one of the other of these steps locally before you create a pull request (see for details about that): if you don't, and if there is a problem in the files you are submitting in the pull request, the continuous integration tester (which also runs these same scripts) will flag your pull request and it can't be merged.

Specifically, the indent script does the following things:

  1. Format all header, source, and files using clang-format.
  2. Fix permissions and line endings (for example remove executable bits for source files, and remove whitespace at the end of source files).
  3. Check for valid authorship of your commits.

clang-format -i

Before a commit, you could manually run

clang-format -i <file>

on each of the files you have edited or changed in other ways. This will make sure indentation is conforming to the style guidelines outlined in this page.

make indent

The manual process described above is cumbersome. Consequently, and more easily, you can just run

make indent

from inside your build directory, to indent all source files that have been changed recently. If the system you are working on has more than one version of clang-format installed (or if it is not in the path) you should replace the above make indent command with

make DEAL_II_CLANG_FORMAT=/path/to/clang-11.1/clang-format indent

to point to the correct executable.


Alternatively, for example if you don't have a build directory (maybe because you just wanted to change a few lines of the documentation, rather than build a complete version of deal.II), you can also just run the following command in the source directory:


This is equivalent to running make indent in the build directory.

pre-commit hook

If you want to make sure that the indenting is correct for all your commits, you might want to set up a pre-commit hook. One way to do so, is to copy ${SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/git-hooks/pre-commit to ${SOURCE_DIR}/.git/hooks/pre-commit and make sure it is executable.