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Docker Images

Luca Heltai edited this page Apr 10, 2017 · 2 revisions

Several docker images with full installations of deal.II and (almost) all its dependencies are available on

Under the section tags, you'll find all available configurations.

All libraries and dealii are installed under /home/dealii/libs. The default user in the image is dealii.

These images can be used, for example, in the following way:

# Pull desired tag
docker pull $TAG
docker tag $TAG dealii

# Now run inside the image, sharing the current directory
docker run --rm -t -i -v `pwd`:/home/dealii/app dealii

the prompt dealii@3c1bb6ff22b4:~$ is inside the docker image. For example, if you type

dealii@3c1bb6ff22b4:~$ export  | grep DIR
declare -x ARPACK_DIR="/home/dealii/libs/arpack-3.4.0"
declare -x DEAL_II_DIR="~/dealii-v8.5.pre.4"
declare -x HDF5_DIR="/home/dealii/libs/hdf5-1.10.0-patch1"
declare -x METIS_DIR="/home/dealii/libs/petsc-3.7.4"
declare -x MUMPS_DIR="/home/dealii/libs/petsc-3.7.4"
declare -x OCE_DIR="/home/dealii/libs/oce-0.17.2"
declare -x OPENCASCADE_DIR="/home/dealii/libs/oce-0.17.2"
declare -x P4EST_DIR="/home/dealii/libs/p4est-1.1"
declare -x PARMETIS_DIR="/home/dealii/libs/petsc-3.7.4"
declare -x PETSC_DIR="/home/dealii/libs/petsc-3.7.4"
declare -x SCALAPACK_DIR="/home/dealii/libs/petsc-3.7.4"
declare -x SLEPC_DIR="/home/dealii/libs/slepc-3.7.3"
declare -x SUPERLU_DIR="/home/dealii/libs/petsc-3.7.4"
declare -x SUPERLU_DIST_DIR="/home/dealii/libs/petsc-3.7.4"
declare -x TRILINOS_DIR="/home/dealii/libs/trilinos-12-8-1"

you will see what was installed where in the image.

These images are guaranteed to work identically on Mac OS, Linux, Windows, on Travis CI, and on gitlab CI.

Here you can find an example .travis.yml that uses one of the available images to test a user application using a controlled environment:

sudo: required

  - BUILD_TYPE=Release
  - BUILD_TYPE=Debug

  - docker

  email: false

language: C++

- docker pull dealii/dealii:v8.5.0-gcc-mpi-fulldepsmanual-debugrelease

- export DOCKER_RUN="docker run -P -v `pwd`:/home/dealii/app:rw dealii/dealii:v8.5.0-gcc-mpi-fulldepsmanual-debugrelease  /bin/sh -c"
- $DOCKER_RUN "test -d app/build-travis && rm -rf app/build-travis; mkdir app/build-travis; cd app/build-travis; cmake -GNinja ../; ninja"
- $DOCKER_RUN "cd app/build-travis; ctest -N; ctest -V"

Gitlab works differently, allowing you to directly run the tester inside your custom image. An example .gitlab-ci.yml to use with your own applications is here:

image: dealii/dealii:v8.5.0-gcc-mpi-fulldepsmanual-debugrelease

  - ./scripts/

   - test -d build_linux_debug && rm -rf build_linux_debug
   - mkdir build_linux_debug; cd build_linux_debug; cmake .. -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug; ninja
   - ctest -N; ctest -V; cd ..

   - test -d build_linux_release && rm -rf build_linux_release
   - mkdir build_linux_release; cd build_linux_release; cmake .. -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release; ninja
   - ctest -N; ctest -V; cd ..

The above will create two pipelines, in gitlab terminology, and run a Debug and Release ctest.