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Creating tickets that are likely to be actioned

Alex Gorrod edited this page Nov 14, 2022 · 3 revisions

We love contributions to WiredTiger in any way, whether that is bug reports, ideas for enhancements, requests for better documentation or any other of way you think WiredTiger could be better.

The primary mechanism for engaging with WiredTiger is via the Jira ticket tracking system. Specifically the WT project in the MongoDB Jira instance.

Creating a high-quality ticket will significantly improve how quickly we can move forward with it.

This is content that is covered well in other places, including Apache, Atlassian, and New Relic.

The balance of this page includes some context about what to include in a high quality ticket.


What is the problem or use case, what are we trying to achieve?


  • Does this affect any team outside of WT? Are they blocked? Are they waiting for an answer?

  • How likely is it that this use case or problem will occur? Main path? Edge case? Frequency of the issue?

  • If the problem does occur, what are the consequences and how severe are they? A minor annoyance at a log message? Performance concern? Outage/unavailability? Test Failure?

  • Is this issue urgent? Does this ticket have a required timeline? What is it?

Acceptance Criteria (Definition of Done)

When will this ticket be considered done? What is the acceptance criteria for this ticket to be closed?


What all testing needs to be done as part of this ticket? Unit? Functional? Performance? Testing at MongoDB side?

Documentation update

Does this ticket require a change in the architecture guide? If yes, please create a corresponding doc ticket.

Suggested solutions

If you have an idea about how the problem could be solved, please describe it in a follow up comment in the ticket. Not in the original ticket description.