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Connector API changes

yayuyokitano edited this page Feb 23, 2024 · 21 revisions

Unknown future update

Connector.scrobbleInfoStyle is now an object containing various different selectors and their styles. For convenience, it is now also a setter that only overrides conflicting styles, keeping default styles for anything else.


Replaced Connector.isScrobblingAllowed with Connector.scrobblingDisallowedReason.

  • Connector.isScrobblingAllowed used to return true when scrobbling allowed, and false when not.
  • Connector.scrobblingDisallowedReason returns a string with reason for not allowing when disallowing, and null when allowing scrobble.
  • By default, always returns null (allowing the scrobble)

Added Connector.isLoved which says whether a song is liked/loved on the website the user is scrobbling from. Depending on settings, liking/unliking may also love/unlove in scrobbling service.

Added Connector.loveButtonSelector helper for Connector.isLoved that points to an element that serves as a like/love button, indicating Connector.isLoved is false.

Added Connector.unloveButtonSelector helper for Connector.isLoved that points to an element that serves as a unlike/unlove button, indicating Connector.isLoved is true.

Added Util.fetchFromServiceWorker function that allows connectors to fetch from service worker, bypassing things like CORS restrictions and adblockers.


Added Connector.getChannelId which gives a unique channel ID the user can block from scrobbling.

Added Connector.getChannelLabel which gives channel label for the channel ID.

Added Connector.channelLabelSelector helper which points to an element which has the label as its innerText.

Added Connector.getChannelInfo which gets both channelId and channelLabel. By default, this just uses getChannelLabel and getChannelId.


Added info box that is injected to DOM showing what's scrobbling

Added Connector.scrobbleInfoLocationSelector which determines where the info box is injected. If none is specified, info box is not injected.

Added Connector.scrobbleInfoStyle which determines the styling that is applied to the info box wrapper.

Moved to a new and stricter ESLint configuration.

Added Util.getInfoBoxText, which is for internal use.

Added [] to the list of japanese brackets for youtube parsing and made the check lazy.

Added Music Video to the list of ways to write MV/PV on japanese music videos.


Util.debugLog now only logs when an option is enabled by the user. As a result, Util.debugLog is no longer instant, and instead the function adds the log to a queue, that then checks a Promise before printing.


Fixed Util.throttle.

Fixed edge case in Util.extractImageUrlFromSelectors.


Removed jQuery.

Moved connectors and connector API to TypeScript.

Upgraded @web-scrobbler/metadata-filter to version 3.0.1.


Util.normalizeUrl now supports root-relative URLs.


Added Util.getOriginUrl which gets origin URL from a DOM element, falling back to window location if it fails.


Added Util.removeRecordSide which removes leading track numbers.


Fixed Util.getAttrFromSelectors to handle nulls.


Fixed rules to not remove MV/PV from youtube titles if they are part of a word.


Fixed Util.parseYtVideoDescription.

Added 『』 and 「」 to parsing of Japanese youtube titles.

Added rule to remove hyphens preceding brackets in Japanese youtube titles.

Added rules to remove MV/PV, and 東方/オリジナル from youtube titles.

Added 【】 to parsing of Japanese youtube titles only if no other brackets match.


Added tilde ~ to the list of separators.


Updated metadata-filter to version 1.1.0.

Added en dash and em dash to the list of separators.


Updated Util.stringToSeconds to be more robust. Most notably, input no longer has to be trimmed for the function to work.


Added a new filter to Util.processYtVideoTitle that removes CD/Vinyl track numbers from titles.


Added a new util function Util.isElementVisible which checks if an element matching a given selector is visible.

Added a Util.splitArtistAlbum function which splits an "Artist - Album" string to an object containing artist and album names.


jQuery usage is deprecated. The jQuery dependency will be removed in a next major version.

Added support for MediaSession API. This support can be enabled by calling Connector.useMediaSessionApi function.

Added new util functions:

  • Util.getAttrFromSelectors which returns an attribute value of an element matching a given selector.
  • Util.hasElementClass which checks if an element matching a given selector has a given class.

These functions are supposed to be used in new connectors. New connectors should also use DOM API instead of jQuery.


Added a new Util.getSecondsFromSelectors function to extract seconds from an element matching a given selector.


Added a new function to check if a current track is a podcast:

Connector.isPodcast = () => {
  // ...

The core has a new (optional) feature to skip podcasts, and it's uses the value returned by this function to detect if a track is podcast actually.

Default implementation of the function returns false; override this function for more complex behavior only.

If you implement a connector for a website contains podcasts only, make sure to return true always:

Connector.isPodcast = () => true;


Added the Connector.getTrackInfo function. This function is useful in cases when a track info is placed in a single source; so you can return the track info by accessing this source once:

// Called first
Connector.getTrack = () => {
    return ...;

// Called after the `Connector.getTrack` function.
Connector.getTrackInfo = () => {
    const [artist, album] = getArtistAlbum();
    return { artist, album };

// All three properties will be applied.

Removed Util.makeEmptyArtistTrack function. The result of this function was used as a fallback value in the overriden Connector.getArtistTrack functions. Now you can freely return null in the Connector.getArtistTrack function and similar ones.


Added the id property for supported websites. Read below how to assign IDs for new connectors.

Added the Util.extractImageUrlFromSelectors function to get image URL from elements.

Added the Util.processSoundCloudTrack function to process track names for SoundCloud-based websites.


Remaining time is now used to calculate song duration if it's missing.


Improved Connector API to allow developers to write new connectors much easier:

  • Added support for arrays of selectors. Now you can define multiple selectors:
// The text of first non-empty element will be used.
Connector.artistSelector = [".artist", '[data="artist"]'];
  • Added support for pause button selector:
// If the element matches `.pause-icon` selector is visible,
// the connnector sets playing state to paused.
Connector.pauseButtonSelector = ".pause-icon";
  • Added support for albumArtist property:
Connector.albumArtistSelector = '.albumArtist';
// or
Connector.getAlbumArtist = () => {
    return $('[data="albumArtist"]).attr('content');
  • Updated behaviour of default getters. Previously, if some selector is defined, and the respective getter wasn't overriden, the getter returned the text of all elements matched the selector. Now the getter returns the text of first non-empty element matched by the selector:
<!-- Website code -->
<div class="player">
  <span class="artist">Artist name</span>
<div class="miniplayer">
  <span class="artist">Artist name</span>
// Connector code
Connector.artistSelector = ".artist";

// Previous behaviour: artist is "ArtistArtist"
// Current behaviour: artist is "Artist"

All getters use Util.getTextFromSelectors function by default. Feel free to use this function in your connectors.


Reorganized usage of metadata filters:

  • The Connector.filter property is now for internal use;
  • The Connector.applyFilter function should be called to apply your own filters.


Changed configuring of custom metadata filters:

  • Use the Connector.applyFilter function to apply your own metadata filter;
  • Use the Connector.filter property to apply YouTube or Remastered filter;
  • Use the MetadataFilter.extend function to merge two metadata filters.


Extended Connector API. Added two new functions:

  • Connector.injectScript, which allows to inject a custom script into a page and setup event listener.
  • Connector.onScriptEvent, which is called when the custom script sends an event. This function is supposed to be overriden.


Added a Connector.onReady function. This function is called when a conector is injected and is ready to listen website changes.

Added a Connector.isTrackArtDefault function.

Renamed the Connector.trackArtImageSelector property to Connector.trackArtSelector.


Added a Connector.isScrobblingAllowed function. This function is similar to the Connector.isStateChangeAllowed one, but it also resets the connector state to prevent scrobbling a now playng song.

Removed underscore dependency.


Added an ability to define time info. This could be useful for websites which provide time info in a single element. This is possible by using a Connector.getTimeInfo function and a Connector.timeInfoSelector property.

Allowed connectors to reset the connector state via a Connector.resetState function.

Moved all helper functions to a new Util module.


Added initial support for custom metadata filters. You can create a new filter using MetadataFilter constructor.

Added a Connector.filter property to apply custom filters.

Added a Connector.splitArtistTrack function to split a given string to an ArtistTrack object.


Added a Connector.isStateChangeAllowed function to ignore certain connector states.


Added support for track arts via a Connector.trackArtImageSelector property or a Connector.getTrackArt function.


Added initial support for v2 connectors via a Connector object.