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cli statismo reduce

Marcel Luethi edited this page May 15, 2015 · 1 revision


statismo-reduce-model - Reduces the number of components in a model.


statismo-reduce-model [options] -i input-file output-file


statismo-reduce-model is used to reduce the number of components in a model. It's possible to reduce the number of components to a fixed number or to a percentage of the model's total variance.


-t, --type : Specifies the model's type. shape and deformation are available model types.

-d, --dimensionality : Specifies the dimensionality of the model (either 2 or 3). This option is only available if the type is deformation.

-n, --numcomponents : Creates a new model with the specified number of components

-v, --totalvariance : Creates a new Model that will have a fraction of the old models' variance. This parameter is in percent and thus ranges from 0 to 100 and is in Percent.

-i, --input-file MODEL_FILE : MODEL_FILE is the path to the model.

-o, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE : OUTPUT_FILE is the path where the new model with a reduced amount of components will be saved.


Crate a new shape model with 5 components:

statismo-reduce-model -i model.h5 -n 5 reduced_model.h5

Crate a new shape model with 42.1% of to models' total variance:

statismo-reduce-model -i model.h5 -v 42.1 reduced_model.h5

Crate a new 3D deformation model with 91% of to models' total variance:

statismo-reduce-model -t deformation -i model.h5 -v 91 reduced_model.h5

Crate a new 2D deformation model with 91% of to models' total variance:

statismo-reduce-model -d 2 -t deformation -i model.h5 -v 91 reduced_model.h5


##Building Models: statismo-build-shape-model (8). Builds shape models from a list of meshes.

statismo-build-deformation-model (8). Builds deformation models from a list of deformation fields

statismo-build-gp-model (8). Builds shape or deformation models from a given gaussian process definition.

##Working with models:

statismo-sample (8). Draws samples from a model.

statismo-reduce-model (8). Reduces the number of components in a model.

statismo-posterior (8). Creates a posterior model from an existing model.

statismo-fit-surface (8). Fits a model iteratively in to a target mesh.

statismo-fit-image (8). Fits a model iteratively to an image.

statismo-warp-image (8). Applies a deformation field to an image.