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Marcel Luethi edited this page Jun 7, 2013 · 3 revisions

There are several ways on how you can help us to improve statismo.

Feedback and bug reports

The easiest one is by giving us feedback and tell us what works well for you and what should be improved. If you find bug, please use Github's issue tracker to report it to us. If you like statismo, spread the word by reviewing statismo on the Insight Journal website or cite our publication.

Improve build environment

One of the weak points of statismo is that, depending on your system, it may be difficult to get it to compile. A part of the problem is that there are so many different system configurations out there. Another part is that we are not CMake experts. We would definitely greatly appreciate any improvement that make statismo more easy to install.


Statismo is designed such that it is easy to integrate it into your favorite image or mesh library. This is done by writing a Representer that provides the interface to the mesh and image format used in this library. Thus an easy way to extend the functionality of statismo is to write a representer, that make statismo's functionality available for a new toolkit. How about writing a representer for OpenCV?

Add new features to statismo

Of course, we are also grateful for new features, bugfixes or improvements. Maybe you have developed an algorithm for more efficient model building? Or you have a better method for model fitting? We gladly accept pull requests. You find information on this procedure in the [developer guide](Developers Guide).