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CLI Statismo Build Shape Model

Roman Shapovalov edited this page Jul 14, 2015 · 2 revisions


statismo-build-shape-model - builds shape models from a list of meshes


statismo-build-shape-model [options] output-file


statismo-build-model is used to build a shape model from a given list of meshes. The meshes have to be in correspondence.

In the simplest case, a model can be built from existing meshes with the following command

statismo-build-shape-model --data-list data.txt shapemodel.h5

In this case the file data.txt contains a list of filenames of meshes (which are already in correspondence) and writes a model called shapemodel.h5


-l, --data-list DATA_LIST : DATA_LIST is the path to a file containing a list of mesh-files that will be used to create the shape model. Please only give the path to one mesh-file per line in the data-list-file.

-o, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE : OUTPUT_FILE is the path where the newly build model should be saved.

-p, --procrustes PROCRUSTES_MODE : Specify how the data is aligned. PROCRUSTES_MODE can be reference which aligns all datasets rigidly to the reference or GPA which aligns all the datasets to the population mean.

-r, --reference FILE : Specify the reference used for model building. This is needed if PROCRUSTES-MODE is reference

-n, --noise NOISE : Specify the noise variance of the PPCA model. Defaults to 0


Build a model where the data is aligned to the procrustes mean

statismo-build-shape-model -p GPA -l data-list.txt shapemodel.h5

Build a model where the data is aligned to a given reference

statismo-build-shape-model -p reference -r ref.vtk -l data-list.txt shapemodel.h5


##Building Models: statismo-build-shape-model (8). Builds shape models from a list of meshes.

statismo-build-deformation-model (8). Builds deformation models from a list of deformation fields

statismo-build-gp-model (8). Builds shape or deformation models from a given gaussian process definition.

##Working with models:

statismo-sample (8). Draws samples from a model.

statismo-reduce-model (8). Reduces the number of components in a model.

statismo-posterior (8). Creates a posterior model from an existing model.

statismo-fit-surface (8). Fits a model iteratively in to a target mesh.

statismo-fit-image (8). Fits a model iteratively to an image.

statismo-warp-image (8). Applies a deformation field to an image.