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feat: fix threads and new IO options in Bowtie2 (#1324)
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### Description

Fixes the following issues in the Bowtie2 wrapper:

* For `x` threads reserved in the snakemake rule, `2x` threads were
used. (Once in Bowtie2, once again in the Samtools pipe). This is now
fixed. For `x` threads reserved in the snakemake rule, `x-1` is used in
Bowtie2, and 1 in through the Samtools pipe.
* Optional metrics and alignment are now available through `output`
* Samtools compressed BAM/CRAM file does now explicitly keep header.
* Samtool indexing and compression is now documented in `meta.yaml` and
* Input file format is now automatically inferred when it is possible.

Open questions:

* `snakemake-wrappers-utils.samtools.get_samtools_opts()` tests
`params.extra` parameters. How do I let it test `params.extra_samtools`
? Then, we could let user set-up extra parameters for samtools view.
* Bowtie2 can concatenate multiple input files, as long as they are
separated by commas. This could be implemented in the wrapper. However,
when user inputs exactly two files in `input.sample`, then I can't find
how to guess if they need to be concatenated through `-U` option, or
considered as paired reads through `-1` and `-2`. My solutions always
include breaking retro-compatibility.

Both open questions can be ignored and the wrapper would still follow
its current behaviour. They are not breaking/blocking.

### QC
<!-- Make sure that you can tick the boxes below. -->

* [X] I confirm that:

For all wrappers added by this PR, 

* there is a test case which covers any introduced changes,
* `input:` and `output:` file paths in the resulting rule can be changed
* either the wrapper can only use a single core, or the example rule
contains a `threads: x` statement with `x` being a reasonable default,
* rule names in the test case are in
[snake_case]( and somehow tell
what the rule is about or match the tools purpose or name (e.g.,
`map_reads` for a step that maps reads),
* all `environment.yaml` specifications follow [the respective best
* wherever possible, command line arguments are inferred and set
automatically (e.g. based on file extensions in `input:` or `output:`),
* all fields of the example rules in the `Snakefile`s and their entries
are explained via comments (`input:`/`output:`/`params:` etc.),
* `stderr` and/or `stdout` are logged correctly (`log:`), depending on
the wrapped tool,
* temporary files are either written to a unique hidden folder in the
working directory, or (better) stored where the Python function
`tempfile.gettempdir()` points to (see
this also means that using any Python `tempfile` default behavior
* the `meta.yaml` contains a link to the documentation of the respective
tool or command,
* `Snakefile`s pass the linting (`snakemake --lint`),
* `Snakefile`s are formatted with
* Python wrapper scripts are formatted with
* Conda environments use a minimal amount of channels, in recommended
ordering. E.g. for bioconda, use (conda-forge, bioconda, nodefaults, as
conda-forge should have highest priority and defaults channels are
usually not needed because most packages are in conda-forge nowadays).


Co-authored-by: tdayris <>
Co-authored-by: tdayris <>
Co-authored-by: Johannes Köster <>
Co-authored-by: github-actions[bot] <41898282+github-actions[bot]>
Co-authored-by: snakedeploy-bot[bot] <115615832+snakedeploy-bot[bot]>
Co-authored-by: Felix Mölder <>
Co-authored-by: Christopher Schröder <>
  • Loading branch information
8 people committed May 3, 2023
1 parent b7cb7ab commit a9c7117
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Showing 4 changed files with 157 additions and 10 deletions.
19 changes: 15 additions & 4 deletions bio/bowtie2/align/meta.yaml
Expand Up @@ -4,11 +4,22 @@ url:
- Johannes Köster
- Filipe G. Vieira
- Thibault Dayris
- FASTQ file(s)
- Bowtie2 indexed reference index
- sample: FASTQ file(s)
- idx: Bowtie2 indexed reference index
- ref: Optional path to genome sequence (FASTA)
- ref_fai: Optional path to reference genome sequence index (FAI)
- SAM/BAM/CRAM file. This must be the first output file in the output file list.
- idx: Optional path to bam index.
- metrics: Optional path to metrics file.
- unaligned: Optional path to unaligned unpaired reads.
- unpaired: Optional path to unpaired reads that aligned at least once.
- unconcordant: Optional path to pairs that didn't align concordantly.
- concordant: Optional path to pairs that aligned concordantly at least once.
- extra: additional program arguments (except for `-x`, `-U`, `-1`, `-2`, `--interleaved`, `-b`, `--met-file`, `--un`, `--al`, `--un-conc`, `--al-conc`, `-f`, `--tab6`, `--tab5`, `-q`, or `-p/--threads`)
- interleaved: Input `sample` contains interleaved paired-end FASTQ/FASTA reads. `False`(default) or `True`.
notes: |
* The `extra` param allows for additional program arguments.
* This wrapper uses an inner pipe. Make sure to use at least two threads in your Snakefile.
68 changes: 67 additions & 1 deletion bio/bowtie2/align/test/Snakefile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
rule bowtie2:
rule test_bowtie2:
sample=["reads/{sample}.1.fastq", "reads/{sample}.2.fastq"],
Expand All @@ -10,8 +10,74 @@ rule bowtie2:
# ref="genome.fasta", #Required for CRAM output
# idx="",
# metrics="",
# unaligned="",
# unpaired="",
# unconcordant="",
# concordant="",
extra="", # optional parameters
threads: 8 # Use at least two threads

rule test_bowtie2_index:
sample=["reads/{sample}.1.fastq", "reads/{sample}.2.fastq"],
# unconcordant="",
# concordant="",
extra="", # optional parameters
threads: 8 # Use at least two threads

rule test_bowtie2_cram:
sample=["reads/{sample}.1.fastq", "reads/{sample}.2.fastq"],
# idx="",
# metrics="",
# unaligned="",
# unpaired="",
# unconcordant="",
# concordant="",
Expand Down
68 changes: 64 additions & 4 deletions bio/bowtie2/align/
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,27 @@
from snakemake_wrapper_utils.samtools import get_samtools_opts

samtools_opts = get_samtools_opts(snakemake)
def get_format(path: str) -> str:
Return file format since Bowtie2 reads files that
could be gzip'ed (extension: .gz) or bzip2'ed (extension: .bz2).
if path.endswith((".gz", ".bz2")):
return path.split(".")[-2].lower()
return path.split(".")[-1].lower()

bowtie2_threads = snakemake.threads - 1
if bowtie2_threads < 1:
raise ValueError(
f"This wrapper expected at least two threads, got {snakemake.threads}"

# Setting parse_threads to false since samtools performs only
# bam compression. Thus the wrapper would use *twice* the amount
# of threads reserved by user otherwise.
samtools_opts = get_samtools_opts(snakemake, parse_threads=False)

extra = snakemake.params.get("extra", "")
log = snakemake.log_fmt_shell(stdout=True, stderr=True)

Expand All @@ -19,22 +39,62 @@
n == 1 or n == 2
), "input->sample must have 1 (single-end) or 2 (paired-end) elements."

reads = ""
if n == 1:
reads = "-U {}".format(*snakemake.input.sample)
if get_format(snakemake.input.sample) in ("bam", "sam"):
reads = f"-b {snakemake.input.sample}"
if snakemake.params.get("interleaved", False):
reads = f"--interleaved {snakemake.input.sample}"
reads = f"-U {snakemake.input.sample}"
reads = "-1 {} -2 {}".format(*snakemake.input.sample)

if all(get_format(sample) in ("fastq", "fq") for sample in snakemake.input.sample):
extra += " -q "
elif all(get_format(sample) == "tab5" for sample in snakemake.input.sample):
extra += " --tab5 "
elif all(get_format(sample) == "tab6" for sample in snakemake.input.sample):
extra += " --tab6 "
elif all(
get_format(sample) in ("fa", "mfa", "fasta") for sample in snakemake.input.sample
extra += " -f "

metrics = snakemake.output.get("metrics")
if metrics:
extra += f" --met-file {metrics} "

unaligned = snakemake.output.get("unaligned")
if unaligned:
extra += f" --un {unaligned} "

unpaired = snakemake.output.get("unpaired")
if unpaired:
extra += f" --al {unpaired} "

unconcordant = snakemake.output.get("unconcordant")
if unconcordant:
extra += f" --un-conc {unconcordant} "

concordant = snakemake.output.get("concordant")
if concordant:
extra += f" --al-conc {concordant} "

index = os.path.commonprefix(snakemake.input.idx).rstrip(".")

" --threads {snakemake.threads}"
" --threads {bowtie2_threads}"
" {reads} "
" -x {index}"
" {extra}"
"| samtools view"
"| samtools view --with-header "
" {samtools_opts}"
" -"
") {log}"
Expand Down
12 changes: 11 additions & 1 deletion
Expand Up @@ -1560,7 +1560,17 @@ def test_blast_blastn():
def test_bowtie2_align():
["snakemake", "--cores", "1", "mapped/a.bam", "--use-conda", "-F"],
["snakemake", "--cores", "2", "mapped_idx/a.cram", "--use-conda", "-F"],

["snakemake", "--cores", "2", "mapped_idx/a.bam", "--use-conda", "-F"],

["snakemake", "--cores", "2", "mapped/a.bam", "--use-conda", "-F"],

Expand Down

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