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Chufan Chen ChufanSuki
I'm a master's student at Zhejiang University. Teach me anything!

Zhejiang, China

Allan BecomeAllan
Undergraduate statistics student at the University of Brasília (UnB, Brazil) who loves math, code, and how the brain works.



Boston University Boston, MA

Benjamin BenderV
tech, data & fun.


Chengkai Wu CK1201
Interests: Motion Planning, Mobile Manipulator


Daoming Chen Alexbeast-CN
Robotics engineer @DriveDream. MSc Robotics from the University of Bristol.

DriveDream Shanghai, China

Weiwei Gu WeiweiGu1998
PhD student at Arizona State University working with Prof. Nakul Gopalan

Arizona State University Tempe, Arizona

Penn Robotics masters 2025. UC Berkeley 2019, BioE & EECS.
Zheyuan Hu Leo428
UC Berkeley CS + Applied Math 23


林楷傑 KJLdefeated
Computer science student in National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, interested in Reinforcement Learning and Robotics.


MD Mostafizur Rahman Masud mostafizur1997
Hi, I'm Mostafizur Rahman Masud. Now I am studying at University of Technology Malaysia.

xb1, kdoj ,skudai, johor bahru, Malaysia

Ricardo García rjgpinel
PhD Candidate in Robotics and Computer Vision at Inria Paris - Willow Team

Inria Willow

hanqing HanqingWangAI
Embodied AI Researcher @OpenRobotLab, Shanghai AI Lab

Beijing Institute of Technology Zurich

Shuo Feng farlit


AnDong MarSaKi

CASIA Beijing, China

Aria F ariafyy
🌸Aria in the Area.🔥 🙌 🩰 🤗 :octocat: 🧠 Multimodality LLMs , Language Agents & Metahuman, Robotics , Embodied AI

Grace Tang gractang
a human who loves doing human things, such as coding and consuming sustenance
George De Ath georgedeath
Research Fellow

University of Exeter Exeter



cogitoErgoSum lif314
Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish!
Mitsuhiko Nakamoto nakamotoo
I am a PhD student in Computer Science at UC Berkeley. My research interests focus on deep reinforcement learning for robotics.

UC Berkeley

Zhiyuan "Paul" Zhou zhouzypaul
Applied Math - CS @ Brown University

Brown University

MK blossominkyung
code neural networks with coffee
Kuan Fang kuanfang
Postdoc at the Berkeley AI Research (BAIR)

UC Berkeley

Manshi Limbu mlimbuu
PhD in Computer Science at George Mason University

Washington DC Area

Bulent Soykan bulentsoykan

University of Central Florida Orlando, FL

Major in optimal control, reinforcement learning.

Harbin Institute of Technology China

Masoud Jafaripour Masoudjafaripour
Researcher, Interested in the intersection of control, optimization, and learning for real-world applications
