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OSPOS DEVEL Add a custom field to the Sales Register

odiea edited this page Nov 3, 2018 · 4 revisions

This is only valid if you use the ospos custom1 thru custom10; Backup your files or use a text editor that will undo the changes if things go wrong. Line numbers have probably changed since this was written. Open Sale_lib.php and after line 802 add the following custom field. I added it before the price.

'custom1' => $item_info->custom1, Change this to the custom field you want to add.

Save your changes.

Next open application/views/sales/register.php.

Add the following around line 111. <th style="width: 15%;"><?php echo $this->config->item('custom1_name');?></th>.

Next increase the first and last colspan by 1.

Add the following at around lines 150 and 158.

<td><?php echo $item['custom1']; ?></td> change the custom number as needed.

This should give you a custom field before the Item Price.

To add a custom field to Items table. Open application/helpers/table_helper.In newer versions this is called Tabular_helper.

In function get_items_manage_table_headers() add the following array('custom1_name' => $CI->config->item('custom1_name')), Where you want it to show in the table. Change custom*_name as needed.

Then add the following to function get_item_data_row($item) in return array 'custom1_name' => $item->custom1, Where you want it to show in the table. Change custom*_name as needed.

This should give you a Custom column in Items.

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